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Comparison of translations

Here is the translation given to Auckland University's Kapa Haka first-year students
in 2008.  I have underlined where it differs from my own dictionary translation.     

Archer translation         

UA Kapa Haka 100 course

Ki kō, ki kō - tirohia
Kei whea te taunga
o te Tītīwaitori
Over there, over there - look!
Where's the resting place
of the Muttonbird?
Look yonder to see
where the resting place
of the mutton-bird is
Parepare mai ra koe
e te Tīwaiwaka
i te paepae
o te tautara
E nono tītaka tē tau
i te mouri.
You may be turned aside
by the Fantail
from the crossbeam
of the desecrated latrine,
by its flitting, constant alighting,
filled with life's energy.
And may you be protected
by the fantail
at the sacred
So that it not be sat upon
by those unsuitable

Kataina mai rā
e te Kōkako,
"Kō-āka, kō-āka." 
and then teased
by the Kokako,
"Calabash, empty head."
Or give cause for laughter
by the crow
or godwit (kuaka)
Kia whakataukī  te manu Tūī,
Tuia, tuia,
i te pūaotanga
Kia whakapurua
ki te remu o te Huia.
And when the Tui bird proclaims
"Be bound together, together,"
at dawn,
with its throat padded up 
like the tail feather of the Huia.
So that the bellbird (tui) exclaims
‘Bind together’
at the dawning
And you be adorned
with the huia's tail feather
Ka whakarongo ki te tangi
a te Kawekaweā,
kawea mai ra
i te tō-matomato-tanga
o te tōmairangi.
or when you listen to the cry
of the Long-tailed Cuckoo
bringing with it
the greening
of the gentle spring dew
And listen to the call
of the long-tailed cuckoo
Heralded from
way up on high
from whence comes
the dew
E rongo koe i te Pīpīwharauroa.  
"Kui, kui,
whiti whiti
or hear the Shining Cuckoo's song
"Short of food? Short of food?
Life is changing!"
May you hear the shining cuckoo,
‘Cooey, cooey,
good health’
Kia whakapainga
ki te Manu Tawhiorangi
ka puta,
ka ora nā i.
Thus you are blessed
by the Bird Travelling From Heaven
who appears, and 
enriches your life in these ways.
And may you be adorned
with the blight bird
Hence arising.
and gaining wellness.

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