Donaldus Imperator
MAGA gnomes are planning to
make Donald Trump's second term count.
THE ECONOMIST July 13, 2023
The overwhelming memory of Donald Trump’s time in office is of
chaos and resentment. It was summed up by the shameful end to his
presidency, when his whipped-up supporters sacked the Capitol in a
bid to keep him in power. Mr Trump has since lurched from an
ignominious post-electoral impeachment to two criminal
indictments, with perhaps more in the offing. The former president
seems obsessed with relitigating his election loss in 2020: “I am
your justice,” he thundered to a crowd of supporters this year. “I
am your retribution.”
Mr Trump is likely to win the Republican presidential nomination
for 2024. You might think victory in the general election would
foreshadow even more chaos— but in fact, a professional corps of
America First populists are dedicating themselves to ensuring that
Trump Two will be disciplined and focused on getting things done.
They are preparing the way and you should not dismiss their
In contrast to the slapdash insurgency that captured the White
House in 2016, the veterans of Mr Trump's first term have been
years at work. Even at this early stage, the details are something
to behold. Thousand-page policy documents set out ideas that were
once outlandish in Republican circles but have now become
orthodox: the border wall finished, tariffs raised on allies and
competitors alike, unfunded tax cuts made permanent and automatic
citizenship ended for anyone born in the United States. They
evince scepticism for NATO and pledge to “end the war on fossil
fuels” by cancelling policies designed to limit climate change.
Sacking 50,000 top civil servants
Alongside these proposals is something that aims to
revolutionise the structure of government itself. MAGA Republicans
believe that they will be able to enact their programme only if
they first defang the deep state by making tens of thousands of
top civil servants sackable. Around 50,000 officials would be
newly subject to being fired at will, under a proposed scheme
Known as Schedule F. At the same time, to fill the thousands of
political appointments at the top of the American civil service,
the America Firsters are creating a “conservative LinkedIn” of
candidates whose personal loyalty to Mr Trump is beyond
question. Merely expressing qualms about the storming of the
Capitol on January 6th 2021 is grounds for disqualification. None
of this is a shadowy conspiracy: it is being planned in the open.
America Firsters will argue that civil-service reform
promises to enhance democracy by preventing the unelected
bureaucracy from stopping the programme of an elected president.
Although checks and balances are an important part of
America’s constitutional design, the civil service is not one of
the three branches of government it enshrines.
That argument does not wash.
One objection is practical. The draining of brains from government
would come just as the expansion of the American state across the
economy makes a competent bureaucracy more important than ever. Running
a modern nation state requires expertise in administration,
economics, foreign affairs and science. If officials cannot
challenge political appointees’ madder proposals for fear of being
fired, policy will rot from the inside.
A second objection is political. A future Democratic president
endowed with imperial powers and unchecked by reality is
not something Republicans should wish for. One reason for
the professionalisation of the bureaucracy in the 19th century was
to provide the ship of state with enough ballast to keep sailing
from one administration to the next.
A third objection is that these changes would give an
overmighty president direct control of the Department of Justice.
By being able to sack all of its purported dissenters, the
administration would obliterate the norm of legal independence. If
so, Trumpian resentment would be channelled into concrete
vengeance. That prospect should concern all Americans.
Having encountered resistance from his previous attorneys-general,
the prime criterion for Mr Trump’s next one would be a softness of
spine: a willingness to quash investigations into the president
and his allies and to authorise them against his long list of real
and perceived political enemies. Although Mr Trump would have
little practical reason to continue to foment distrust in the
electoral system—since the constitution precludes a third term—the
need to be vindicated about his supposedly stolen election in 2020
may lead him to do so, all the same.
If the Republicans win both houses of Congress, as is possible,
nobody in the executive or the legislature will be in a position
to stop Mr Trump. After all, most of those in charge will already
have publicly attested to the legitimacy of storming the Capitol.
The federal courts will become one of the few remaining redoubts
of independence and expertise in the American system. It is hard
to see how they will not also come under sustained attack.
If these carefully laid plans were enacted, America would follow
Hungary and Poland down the path of illiberal democracy. True,
America has more guardrails against backsliding—including
centuries of democratic history and a more raucous and more
decentralised media. However, these guardrails are weaker than in
the past. Moreover, many Americans would be left worse off by
these plans. Trust in institutions and the rule of the law would
suffer, leaving the country yet more divided.
Some people will try to take comfort from the idea that Mr Trump
will not win the primary, or that he will lose the general
election. Perhaps his nominees will not be confirmed, or the
emperor of entropy will sabotage his own supporters’ designs. That
is unforgivably complacent.
Mr Trump is favourite to win the nomination in a country where
general elections are determined by a few tens of thousands of
votes. In victory, a team of practised demolition experts would
prime their explosive ideas. The deconstruction of the
administrative state could begin. The vain and tyrannical whims of
an emperor-president would emerge from the rubble. ■

Preparing the way: The alarming
plans for Trump’s second term
JUL 15TH 2023
Brooke Rollins is sitting at her desk in Fort Worth, Texas, at the
back of an anonymous, low-rise building. It looks uncannily like
an office in the White House, with its lemony cream wallpaper,
dark wood furniture and photographs of the president signing bills
as admirers look on. Only one detail jars: the 18th-century rifle
leaning against the wall.
The resemblance is not a coincidence. Mrs Rollins worked in the
White House under Donald Trump and briefly ran his Domestic Policy
Council. She purchased her West Wing furniture when she left.
Towards the end of Mr Trump’s first term, she was in charge of
putting together a policy agenda for his second one. After Mr
Trump lost his bid for re-election in 2020, she set up a
think-tank to continue that work, the America First Policy
Institute (AFPI).
AFPI aspires to be an administration-in-waiting. Its staff of 172
includes eight former cabinet secretaries from the Trump
administration and 20 other political appointees. “I will leave
things ready for the next Republican president,” Mrs Rollins says.
Campaign-finance laws prevent her from saying so, but she means Mr
AFPI is the newest think-tank preparing for a second term for Mr
Trump, but it is not the biggest. The Heritage Foundation, which
prides itself on having done the preparatory work for Ronald
Reagan’s “revolution”, has its own presidential transition
project. This is led by Paul Dans, a lawyer who worked in the
White House’s Office of Personnel Management during Mr Trump’s
presidency. In 1981 copies of a manual for government produced by
Heritage were placed on the chairs of each of Reagan’s cabinet
members before their first meeting. Heritage is updating that
idea, co-ordinating an effort by 350 conservative wonks and former
administration officials to write a plan for government in time
for the Republican primaries next year. Those who have criticised
Mr Trump or his agenda will not be part of it.
As well as drafting policies for each department, Mr Dans and his
colleagues are building a list of potential recruits to serve in
the next Republican administration. He likes to describe the
effort as a conservative LinkedIn. Fully staffing an
administration requires about 4,000 political appointees, 1,200 of
whom must be approved by the Senate. Heritage and its allied
think-tanks are vetting the people to fill those jobs now.
Dismiss that which insults
What would prove disqualifying? “If you kind of have shown
yourself to have fought against the Trump administration, or there
are issues where you’ve actually been counter to it,” says Mr
Dans. “You know where people stand by where they sit, so to speak.
Their postings and social media, their allegiances over time can
give people a pretty good picture.” Blaming Mr Trump for the
ransacking of the Capitol in 2021, or supporting his impeachment
in the days that followed, for example, would be enough to keep
someone off the list.
Thanks to these efforts, the next Trump administration, if there
is one, will have fleshed-out plans and the know-how to advance
them. That would make it very different from Mr Trump’s first
term. “We didn’t have the people because nobody thought we would
win,” says Steve Bannon, who managed Mr Trump’s campaign and was
an influential figure at the beginning of his presidency. (Mr
Trump fired Mr Bannon, but later stopped him being tried for
misuse of funds from a non-profit group he headed by pardoning
Mr Bannon mentions the National Security Council (NSC) as an
example of the staffing problems the Trump administration faced.
It struggled to come up with half the necessary number of
political appointees, he says. They were an odd mixture of people
like Michael Anton, a corporate pr man and apocalyptic political
commentator, and old foreign-policy hands who turned out to be
queasy about Mr Trump’s courting of North Korea’s dictator and his
hostility to American allies.
What was true of the NSC applies to other agencies, too. “You have
got to hit the beach with three or four thousand guys,” Mr Bannon
says. Mr Dans agrees. “In Hollywood they like to describe things
as ‘this meets that meets the other’. This is the Manhattan
Project meets the Empire State Building meets d-Day.”
The initial objective for this invading force is to capture the
civil service. One lesson that Mr Trump’s backers drew from his
first term is that no policy matters more than control of the
bureaucracy, because no policies can be implemented without it.
To that end Mr Trump’s commandos will “deconstruct” the
administrative state—the 300 or more federal offices that issue
and interpret regulations. The philosophical version of this idea
is that, over time, as the role of the federal government has
grown from fighting wars and running the postal service into the
Leviathan it is today, unelected bureaucrats have assumed powers
that should belong to Congress. The Twitter version is that the
deep-state liberals who thwarted Mr Trump when he was in office
and have persecuted him since he left must be vanquished. Either
way, Mr Trump’s shock troops will try to wrest power back from the
In practice it is hard to see how government would function
without the administrative state. Congress struggles to fulfil
basic responsibilities like passing a budget on time. To imagine
that the same body could act as, say, the regulator of financial
markets is a stretch. That may be the point. The MAGA movement is
not libertarian, but in many ways it would like the federal
government to do far less than it does now.
The would-be Trump appointees plan to subdue the bureaucracy using
Schedule F, shorthand for an executive order issued by Mr Trump in
2020 and rescinded by Joe Biden when he became president. It
reflects a view that the federal bureaucracy, whatever its size,
should not have any entrenched authority. For the first century of
its existence, civil servants were appointed to jobs by the
government of the day based on an algorithm of personal contacts
and favours owed known as the spoils system. Then in 1881 a
deranged office-seeker assassinated the president, spurring the
passage of the Pendleton Act, which created a class of
professional bureaucrats who stayed in their posts even as the
presidency changed hands. Since the 1940s, when Franklin Roosevelt
was expanding the government, it has been hard to fire federal
bureaucrats, AFPI complains.
Many political appointees in the Trump administration believe that
a minority of civil servants used their protected status to thwart
or undermine the president’s wishes. James Sherk, a policy adviser
in the Trump White House who is now at AFPI, cites two cases on
which lawyers in various government departments reportedly refused
to work: one against Yale University for allegedly discriminating
against Asian-Americans, and one aimed at protecting nurses from
having to perform abortions. Schedule F would empower Mr Trump’s
appointees to remove perceived obstructionists at will.
“Schedule F is now, I think, Republican doctrine,” says Russell
Vought, who ran the Office of Management and Budget under Mr
Trump. “I don’t know how a Republican gets elected and doesn’t do
that.” It would also be straightforward to enact: Mr Trump could
just reissue his old executive order. Again, there is a reasonable
version of this idea, in which a small number of recalcitrant
civil servants lose their jobs, and a campaign version, where
Schedule F becomes the instrument of Mr Trump’s righteous purge of
To be with those I like is enough
The combined effect of appointing only loyalists and cowing the
bureaucracy would be both to remove constraints on Mr Trump and to
ensure his wishes are acted on more often. In his first term Mr
Trump’s opponents took some comfort from the idea that not all the
people around him were true believers, and were willing to stall
his most alarming ideas. The New York Times ran an anonymous piece
by a political appointee who claimed there was an internal
resistance within the administration that acted as a check on
presidential power. In a second Trump term, there will not be any
“grown-ups in the room”, as Mr Trump’s detractors called such
Once a second Trump administration had bent the bureaucracy to its
will, what policies would it pursue? The department-by-department
plans being drawn up at AFPI, Heritage and elsewhere give some
guidance. They involve some predictable fusillades in the culture
wars, such as completing a wall along the border with Mexico and
directing all federal officials to consider only people’s
biological sex, rather than “self-identified” gender. But some of
the putative policy agenda is both more sweeping in scope and more
of a break with past Republican orthodoxy.
One such area is the economy. The new right is enthusiastic about
the kind of industrial policy the Biden administration has
pursued. “No one in Ohio…cares that the Wall Street Journal
editorial board doesn’t like the chips bill on free-market
economic grounds,” J.D. Vance, a senator, recently told a
gathering at American Compass, a think-tank, referring to a law
subsidising semiconductor factories. In some cases Mr Trump’s
supporters would go further: Mr Vance advocates taxing companies
that shift work offshore.
The main partisan disagreement over industrial policy is no longer
whether to have one at all, but over the Democrats’ habit of
smuggling diversity requirements and environmental goals into it.
As the Republicans have become a more working-class party than the
Democrats, people like Mr Vance have tried to synthesise a new
Republican position that is both pro-labour and hostile to union
leaders. His advocacy of subsidies for industry without “the woke
bullshit” is probably more popular than the Biden administration’s
That enthusiasm for an active state coexists with a more
conventional Republican programme of lowering taxes, coupled with
a belief that well-intentioned efforts to cut poverty usually
backfire. AFPI’s policy book talks of making permanent the tax
cuts in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, some of which are due
to expire in 2025. AFPI’s policy wonks also advocate attaching
work requirements to Medicaid (health insurance for the poor) and
other government benefits. In Arkansas, the only state to have
implemented work requirements for Medicaid, a quarter of those
enrolled in the programme lost their health insurance and there
was no noticeable increase in employment. The reforms would at
least save some money, but not enough to have much impact on the
federal deficit.
Expensive industrial policy, lower taxes and only small reductions
in benefits—in other words, less revenue and more spending—would
not balance the books, much less trim government debts or refill
the funds that pay for Medicare (subsidised health insurance for
the disabled and the old) and Social Security (the state pension),
which are due to run dry in the early 2030s. On past evidence the
bond market is likely to continue to finance the growing gap
between the government’s income and expenditure. Investors might
become nervous, however, if the Federal Reserve’s independence
were in question. Some Trumpists think it should be, since they do
not like to cede so much power to unelected bureaucrats. That is a
minority view, Mr Vought concedes, but could gain ground: “I
guarantee that if that debate was in front of President Trump,
that he wouldn’t just throw you out of the Oval Office.”
Another area in which a second Trump term could bend the arc of
history is in environmental policy. In his first term emissions of
greenhouse gases kept falling, even though he reversed many of
Barack Obama’s policies to slow climate change. Investors assumed
that government policy would soon revert to a greener norm and
coal-fired power stations have lifespans of several decades, so
the administration’s fondness for them was not enough to get new
ones built. In this respect, too, a second Trump administration
would be more methodical and better organised.
Whatever satisfies the soul is truth
AFPI’s policy book talks about ending “the war on fossil fuels”
and makes untethered assumptions about how much bigger the economy
would be without it. (AFPI estimates that America’s GDP will be 6%
smaller by the end of this decade than it would have been without
the Obama administration’s emissions-reductions targets.) The
argument is presented in both pragmatic and moral terms. Why
should American oil stay in the ground while Saudi oil flows? And
why should the use of fuels which can bring so much prosperity to
so many be circumscribed? Never mind that Mr Biden’s
administration has granted more permits to drill than Mr Trump’s
did, that America is the world’s largest producer of oil or that
it is in the national interest to limit global warming.
America Firsters like oil, gas and coal and the relatively
well-paid, manly jobs for high-school graduates they bring. They
are also opposed to the green transition, which they see as
unnecessary government meddling that raises energy prices for
ordinary Americans. Both Kevin Roberts, who runs Heritage, and Mrs
Rollins, who started AFPI, used to be senior figures at the Texas
Public Policy Foundation (TPPF), a think-tank which opposes the
development of wind farms and solar plants.
Over a quarter of Texas’s electricity is generated by renewables,
and TPPF has helped to propagate the idea that this makes the
state’s power grid unstable. Investors in renewables say Texas’s
electricity regulator has become hostile to new projects. TPPF,
meanwhile, is battling renewables as far afield as New York, Rhode
Island and Massachusetts, where it has initiated a lawsuit against
a big offshore wind farm on behalf of fishermen. If the federal
Environmental Protection Agency and Justice Department were run by
people who shared these instincts, investors in renewables would
face the same sort of political risks as owners of coal plants.
A third area which is likely to see great upheaval if Mr Trump
becomes president again is foreign policy. Among America First
types, there is deep disagreement about Ukraine. AFPI’s policy
book talks about facing the threat from Russia. Yet Mr Bannon
says, “I don’t give a shit about Ukraine—what I give a shit about
is the invasion of America’s southern border.” Mr Vought makes the
same point in a more wonkish way: “Ukraine is being subsidised by
our taxpayers to fight and not make strategic calculations that
they would otherwise make if we weren’t subsidising it. And it’s
not in our interest to subsidise that conflict.” Mr Trump himself
says he would end the war. He may not be able to do that. But
Ukraine and its other allies ought to take seriously the
possibility that America may no longer be with them in 18 months.
Policy towards China is less contested. The Trump administration
was more confrontational towards China than any of its
predecessors. The Biden administration has continued in the same
vein, albeit with less inflammatory rhetoric and more considered
policies. “The difference between the Biden administration and the
Trump administration on protectionism is that the Biden
administration is competent,” says Dan Drezner of Tufts
University. A second Trump term would be more likely to build on
what the Biden team have done rather than, say, loosening export
Heritage’s plan for 2025 foresees an immediate ban on TikTok and
also on Confucius Institutes. American pension funds would be
encouraged to divest from “problematic” Chinese entities. The
government should be prepared “to employ punitive policy measures”
to prevent American investment in sensitive areas in China and
Chinese investment in America. American companies considering
large-scale investments in anything deemed critical would have to
submit information about counterparties and anticipated use of
funds to the us government before investing, “under a presumption
of denial”.
Whether Mr Trump would authorise the use of force if China were to
invade Taiwan is hard to say. Some who worked in his
administration note that whenever they were about to adopt tougher
policies on China, the bosses of big American firms would call the
White House and tell him that the move would alarm financial
markets and he would back down. The same dynamic may apply in a
second term. In a memoir of his time as Mr Trump’s national
security adviser, John Bolton suggests the former president was
not really committed to Taiwan’s security. Others claim he would
be “stronger” than Mr Biden.
Other allies could expect the same peremptory treatment as in Mr
Trump’s first term. He reportedly told aides he wanted to leave
NATO. Even AFPI, which on foreign policy is closer to the old
Republican orthodoxy, thinks that military support should be
withdrawn from countries that do not spend at least 2% of GDP on
defence, a level that neither Japan nor most countries in nato
meet. The modern America First movement, like its namesake during
the Second World War, contains some true isolationists. But it
also contains an influential clutch of people like Elbridge Colby,
who served in the Department of Defence and believes in a muscular
foreign policy. He thinks China is such a threat that America
should pull back from its defence commitments in Europe and the
Middle East to concentrate on the Pacific.
No matter how well-laid the plans for a second Trump term, nor how
thoroughly vetted the people carrying them out, Mr Trump would
still be in charge, which means there is a limit to how methodical
it could be. But it would be altogether more formidable than the
version of 2017-21. As for the candidate himself, he is aware of
the plans being made on his behalf but has never been excited by
the details of public policy. For the professional wonks in the
movement, that is an opportunity.
“The Economist doesn’t think that populists can govern, right?”
asks Mr Vought. “We believe we’re trying to be an answer to that
viewpoint. So we’re trying to look systemically: how does someone
who has an American First perspective, a populist perspective,
govern credibly and effectively? Because they know the inner
workings of government so well.” The winner of next year’s
presidential election will be sworn in in 18 months. The
institutions of the new right expect it to be Mr Trump, and this
time they will be prepared. ■