צוות טנק יאנקי מהגדה המערבית
Tankie Yank from the West Bank
Isaac Shalom & Fatima Salaam, 2023

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MAGA Evangelists are helping drive Semitic Arabs out of Palestine.  For many years, the Americans' financial-industrial-military complex has sent CIA operatives to Palestine's West Bank posing as "Israeli settlers" to harass and kill Palestinian farmers and their families, thereby inciting the Palestine Resistance Army in Gaza to react. 

Climate change is now making the Suez and Panama Canals inadequate for international shipping needs.
The Sept 7th attack gave the
Americans' proxy IDF army an excuse to destroy all of Gaza, so the USA can build a canal through Gaza to Aqaba, and make trillions for the Israeli banking families it is indebted to.

1. חונכתי בתור אוקי ממוסקוגי
מקום שבו אפילו ריבועים יכולים לקבל כדור
המטיף שלנו לימד אותנו איך להרוג בשביל ישו
והרג הוא עדיין הריגוש הגדול מכולם
1.  I wuz brought up as an Okie from Muskogee
A place where even squares can have a ball
Our preacher taught us how tuh kill for Jesus1
And killin's still the greatest thrill of all.

2. הפכתי לחייל בצבא ארה"ב
   עזר להרוג חצי מיליון ראשי מגבת בעיראק
ואז ה-CIA לימד אותי קצת שפה עברית
עכשיו אני "מתנחל בגדה המערבית" וחזרתי.

2.  I became a US Army tankie
  We kil't  half a million towel-heads in Iraq
Then th’ C I A taught me some Hebrew lingo
Now I'm a “West Bank settler” an' I'm back.

3. אנחנו לא עורכים שום מסיבה מתוך אהבה (ליהוה)
כמו אותם "לא בשמי" עושים גברים אורתודוקסים
אנחנו משקרים וגונבים, ואז הורגים את שכנינו הערבים
כמו כל המתנחלים בבקעת שכם.
3.  We don't make no party out of loving - Jehovah
Like those "NOT IN MY NAME" God-believers do
We lie and steal, then kill our Arab neighbours
Like good settlers in our Nablus Valley crew.

אני גאה להיות טנק יאנק מהגדה המערבית
כשהמרכבה שלי מרעישה איך הם רצים
כשילדים זורקים אבנים אנחנו יורים
  ישר דרך הבתים שלהם
להפוך את האיירבס לערפל אדום זה כל כך כיף.
    An' arrm proud to be a tankie Yank from the West Bank
    When my Merkava rumbles how they run
    When kids throw stones we fire
     straight through their houses
    Turning Ayrabs into red mist is such fun.

The Guardian, March 5th, 2023

The New Arab, Sept 26th 2022              
4. כשהרגנו אלף ילדים ערבים
מנהיגי ההתנגדות שלהם אמרו לבסוף "די"
הצבא שלהם פרץ מהכלא שלנו בעזה
והם היו לא פחות קשוחים עם הילדים שלנו.
4.  When we had killed a thousand Ay-rab children
Their Resistance leaders finally said "Enough"
Their army made a break from Gaza prison
And on our kids they acted just as tough.

People's Dispatch,  Oct 7, 2023

5. אבל אין לנו סבלנות לערבים שיורים רקט
אנחנו לא יכולים לסבול את הסוג שלהם בכלל
כל יום הם שומעים את המוזיקה שלנו בכל עזה
השקשוקה של העוזי שלנו כשהם נופלים
5.  But we've no time fer rocket-firing Ay-rabs
We cant tolerate their kind at all
Each day they hear our music all through Gaza
The rattle of our Uzis as they fall.  

People's Dispatch,  Dec 18, 2023

6. אנחנו לא מעשנים מריחואנה בעזה
אנחנו לא יוצאים לטיולים על LSD
אנחנו פשוט מרימים כנסיות מלאות נשים
כי אנחנו אוהבים לחיות קשה וללא ירי.
  6. We don't smoke marijuana down in Gaza
We don't take no trips on LSD
We just shoot up up churches full a' wimmin
'Cause we like living tough and shootin' free.

אני גאה להיות טנק יאנק מהגדה המערבית
כשהמרכבה שלי מרעישה איך הם רצים
כשילדים זורקים אבנים אנחנו יורים
                           ישר דרך הבתים שלהם
להפוך את האיירבס לערפל אדום זה כל כך כיף.
   An' arrm proud
to be a tankie Yank from the West Bank
    When my Merkava rumbles how they run
    When kids throw stones we fire
     straight through their houses
    Turning Ayrabs into red mist is such fun.

7. הטלנו על בן המשימה לנקות את כל החיים מעזה
אז הדוד סם יכול לבנות תעלה חדשה
אין גשם כדי לשמור על מנעולי פנמה עובדים
ובסואץ, השילוח הואט עד כדי זחילה

7.   We’ve bin tasked to clear all life outta Gaza
So Uncle Sam can build his new canal
There’s no rain to keep the Panama locks workin’
And in Suez shipping’s slowed down to a crawl

World Politics Review

The Economist
8. אנחנו הולכים לחפור תעלה גדולה דרך עז
כדי שספינות יוכלו להפליג ישר לעקבה
הגונא של משפחת רוטשילד מקשטים אותי
ואני אענוד בגאווה את כוכב הזהב של האצ"ל שלי
ם  דוד
8.  We’re gonna dig a big ditch right through Gaza
so ships can sail right down to Aqaba
The Rothschild fam’ly’s gunna’ decorate me
And I'll proudly wear my Irgun Golden Star
אני גאה להיות טנק יאנק מהגדה המערבית כשהמרכבה שלי מרעישה איך הם רצים
כשילדים זורקים אבנים אנחנו יורים
                                  ישר דרך הבתים שלהם
להפוך את איי-ראב לערפל אדום זה כל כך כיף
להפוך את איי-ראב לערפל אדום זה כל כך כיף
לסם  דוד  בישראל, ארה"ב
   I’m proud to be a tankie Yank from the West Bank
    When my Merkava rumbles how they run
    When kids throw stones we fire
    straight through their houses
    Turning Ay-rabs into red mist is such fun
    Turning  Ay-rabs  into  red  mist   is   such    fun
    For    Uncle    Sam     in     Israel,    U    S     A

Times of Israel

1. Kill for Jesus

American evangelicals have worked for decades to replace the Jesus of the Gospels with an idol of rugged masculinity and Christian nationalism. Their hearts and minds have been captured by those with patriarchal power like John Wayne, Donald Trump and now Benni Netanyahu.

2. Not in My Name

Those who are of the Jewish religion follow the teachings of the Pentateuch, especially the words of Moses "You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely...You shall not oppress your neighbour or rob him...You shall love your neighbour as yourself...You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. (Leviticus Ch 19)

3. Tank Yank From the West Bank

About 4000 US citizens had been migrating to Israel from the USA annually, with about 200 choosing to become illegal settlers on the West Bank. In more recent times this number has doubled: many Evangelical MAGA Trumpists would like to make Israel the 51st state of the USA.


In 1912 a British geologist found huge reserves of petroleum oil in the Middle East, then controlled by Turkey. So in 1915 the British invaded Turkey, failed, then promised Arab leaders that a united Arab country, covering the Arab Middle East, would result if they defeated the Turks. But to get the funds to cover their previous failed attacks, the British had to borrow from the Rothschild banking families, and in return they promised them Israel as a Jewish homeland.

During the Nazi persecutions in the 1930s and 40s, some Jews were affected by the Stockholm syndrome and abandoned their Judaism for Lebensraum, which they labelled Zionism. This justified invasion, killing, and land theft to gain the territory required for one's own people to thrive. (In the mid-1800s,  English colonists practiced this in New Zealand, and US colonists practiced it in the mid-West)

When Jews fleeing the Nazis were denied entry into Palestine, they resorted to terrorism. The main terrorist group was Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organisation) - led by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. This group was later absorbed into the IDF.


"The Catastrophe."  Between 1947 and 1949, Zionist forces seeking lebensraum violently took possession of more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, after ethnically cleansing and destroying about 530 villages and cities, and killing about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres. At least 750,000 Palestinians from a population of 1.9 million were forced into exile as refugees. On the 15th of May 1948, Menachem Begin formally called this land the state of Israel.

4. Gaza prison

This small strip of arid coastal land was formerly controlled by Egypt, and Palestinians fled there for protection during the Nakba. By the beginning of 2023 it was the most densely populated region on our planet with a density of 65 people per hectare. Being completely surrounded by barbed wire and Zionist guards, it was also the world's largest prison.

Isaac Shalom & Fatima Salaam

My pseudonym for a team of hackers in Lithuania who found these lyrics on an IDF website.

Put onto the website January 2024

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