Hogsnort Rupert's Original Flagon Band

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      Intro: A,E,A  A,E,A

     A                  D               A        E     A
In a little church by a village green I vowed my life away,
                     D             E                   A
Followed by a little gathering for those who wished to stay.
                             D                 A        E     A
Everyone who came brought us something good to fill our happy home,
                        D                  E                A
But a certain something caught my eye - it stood out on its own,
            F#     B,B,E
     On its own...

A                             D                       A
Auntie Alice brought us this, Auntie Alice brought us this,
                            B                           E
Not too late, not too soon, press it in the middle it'll play a tune.
A                             D                       E
Auntie Alice brought us this, Auntie Alice brought us this,
         A                 G    F#         B            E
We got a clock from Uncle Wilberforce, but Auntie Alice brought us
A,E,A  A,E,A...

When the Vicar stood up for his speech there was not one eye on him:
Everybody waiting anxiously for Auntie to come in,
And my pretty wife, she was full of strife, she said it wasn't fair
That our wedding-day was runner-up to that thing over there,
     Over there...

Instr, featuring Harmonica: E,E,A,A,E,E,D,A,E, Bassrun E, F#, G#...

When we left the Church for our Honeymoon to an island far away,
Everything was good, and we felt we could have stayed and stayed and
Swimming in the sea, lying in the sand or lazing in the sun,
But when the evening came there were better ways of joining in the fun,
     In the fun...


WWII version of a traditional whalers' song

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Key: D

 D                  G       A    
My good old Captain said to me,  
D            A                D   
Go down, you blood-red roses, go down!
                    G      A        
"We'll plunder to a high degree!"  
D            A                D  
Go down, you blood-red roses, go down!

          G         A             
Oh, your boots and poses,       
(Oh, you pinks and posies)
 D            A                D  
Go down, you blood-red roses, go down.

Around the German lines we'll go...
For ashes make the flowers grow....

Around Japan we'll have to go...
For that is where the hot winds blow...

On Eastern seas we're bound to sail...
For sunken ships will tell no tale....

On no-man's land we'll dance around...
We'll drive the roses underground.....


Martin Curtis

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D                          G          D
Ghost gulls of Picton, how lovely you fly,
Filling the night air with your haunting cry,
D                         G          D
Skimming the wavetops and racing the swell,

                       A    Bm  G
      CH: How easy it seems for you,
              D       A         D
          How easy it seems for you.

You drift in the night sky like something unreal.
You'll never know how restricted we feel,
Tied to the land in our own little worlds.

Bright lights receding, friends left behind,
Memories already blurring with time.
You can fly back whenever you feel,

The few miles between us seem just like a wall.
On land we would think them just nothing at all,
The short stretch of ocean keeps us apart.

You'll still be flying when I return here
To hear your sweet music and smell the salt air,
To see loving faces and make friends anew,

 More easy, it seems, than you,
 More easy, it seems, than you.

Repeat V.l, CH.


Split Enz

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 A      F    A           D
 I got you - that's all I want
 A           F    A         D
 I won't forget - that's a whole lot
 A           F     A            D
 I don't go out - not now that you're in
 A             F      A             D
 Sometimes we shout - but that's no problem

D       E        D         E     A
I don't know why sometimes I get frightened
      D      E            D                 E
You can see my eyes, you can tell that I'm not lyin'

Look at you - well you're a pageant
You're everything  - that I've imagined
Something's wrong - I feel uneasy
Now you show me - tell me you're not teasing

CH (2), inst...  A B, A B, A B, A B E

There's no doubt - not when I'm with you
When I'm without - I stay in my room
Where do you go - I get no answer
You're always out - it gets on my nerves
 CH (3), fade....


Marcus Turner

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  1. When you're tired and depressed, and feeling lonely, When your chequebook's in the red, and you are blue, When you've left the freezer open, or your rubber band is broken, Or you've dropped the toilet paper down the loo, If you feel a sudden urge to wash the bread-knife, Or to sniff at the exhaust-pipe of your car, Or to farewell those you love 'n' take a nap inside the oven, STOP!... Salvation's just a sup from where you are! Chorus: When you're feeling down, the best way up is chocolate: It's the answer that will get you through the day. Let me get my teeth around something small and square and brown, And I'll masticate until I feel O.K.
  2. Now, when God had finished making all the heavens, And the valleys and the mountains and the seas, And the weather, and the weasels, and the squid, and German Measles, And the gherkins, and Hong Kong, and all the fleas, On the seventh day, as he was sitting resting, He was feeling in a very chipper mood. There came one more inspiration for one last divine Creation: Something fit to please a God, that could be chewed! Ch.
  3. When I see a bar of chocolate lying idle, It always seems to find its way inside my jaws. It's a shame to mess about, 'cos it tastes better in than out, And it's going to a very worthy cause. And although it won't endear me to my dentist, And my doctor will be worried for my health, And it's given me a skinful of enormous oily pimples, I'm still feeling very good about myself! Ch.
  4. Just remember, if it's chocolate, you can eat it: Chocolate eggs and chocolate fish and chocolate chips, Chocolate steak and mousse and frogs, chocolate beans and mice and logs, Let a chocolate bomb explode across your lips! Some is crunchy, and is filled with Hokey-pokey, Some is thrown about by cowboys, and is white. There's a whole world out there waiting: don't just sit there salivating, Pull your socks up, brace yourself and Bite! Bite! Bite! Ch.
  5. You will never have a bad trip eating chocolate. And it's tastier than sex, and much more fun. Keep your pills and dope and glue, and your gin and whiskey too, 'Cos there's no buzz like a chocolate Buzz - Bar none! If you really, really love me, give me chocolate, Give me chocolate 'till it's coming out my ears. All I crave is just enough so I can indolently stuff myself for years and years and years and years and years! Ch.


Peter Cape

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She starts out from Otiria, the smallest train you've seen:
This is the Okaihau Express.

An engine and a guards van with a carriage in between:
This is the Okaihau Express.

The driver doesn't worry if he takes the journey slow,
Drivin' the Okaihau Express.
He's got all day to do it, an' just forty miles to go,
Drivin' the Okaihau Express.

         G                        C
    She went into the bend doin' ten miles an hour,
              G                D
    When the whistle began to shriek (Whoo-whoo!)
             G                       C
    But she caught that bull in the middle of the brisket
            D                           G
    And the engine smelt of steak for a week.

A       D . . .
There's puppies in an apple box and pipis in a sack,
Ridin' the Okaihau Express,
But no-one knows the difference when they're drippin' from the rack,
Ridin' the Okaihau Express.

She stops at Lake Omapere to take some water in:
This is the Okaihau Express.
The fireman takes a bucket, the driver takes a swim:
This is the Okaihau Express.

Okaihau to Otiria it's just a single track,
When you're ridin' the Okaihau Express.
You can't turn it at the terminus, you just reverse her back:
That's the Okaihau Express!


Paul Metsers

White is the snow of the Newfoundland winter,
G                                   D
Black is the blizzard, whiplash and slice.

With the coming of spring, the freeze starts to splinter
        A                          G          D
and the homes of the seals are the islands of ice.
In government rooms, soft are the voices,
Questions are asked almost under the breath,
But the agents stamping the permits make noises
         A                          G              D
Like the blows of the clubs beating young seals to death.

   D            G          D          A
   Turn a blind eye as the killing continues.
   G             D          A              G
   Children will ask "Where have the seals gone?"
   D           G      D            A
   Smile and deny the chilling within you,
       G        D            A      D
   The terrible questions to ponder upon.

Winter is leaving the land of the North,
Taking her cold and her dark endless night.
The seal mothers labour their young to bring forth,
And the pups of the Hood and the Harp are pure white.
The swift ships of Norway and Canada bring
Cargoes of men with money-mad eyes.
Not for the beauty of Newfoundland's spring:
Their mission is murder, white pelt is their prize.


But the cries of the victims, season on season
Come to be heard in the city and land,
And those who scorn killing for fashionable reasons
Resolve to embark on a bold-hearted plan.
Ahead of the hunters they mean to go,
To the treacherous seas in the cold and the dark,
And reaching the herds out on the ice-floes
They'll spoil the white fur with indelible marks.


But the weather's against them: in sorrow and gloom
They must wait while the storm wastes its fury away.
Two hundred thousand seal children are doomed
As the hunters advance on their pitiful prey.
White fur drapes the Ladies at opera and ball,
White fur warms the seal pups in water and wind,
But the hands of the hunters, the hands of us all
Will forever be stained with the blood of their skins.


Dave Jordan

Home - Songlist

Tune: Verse of "Eileen Goodnight"

          G                      D
        I live in a house in the suburbs,
        With a fence and a small wooden gate.
                             C        Am
        The community is a division
           D                       G      D
        Of houses all built by the State, and...

        Ch:   (tune slightly different, instrumental same)

        I've got a house just like your house,
        You've got a house just like mine.
        It's a great house, it's a State House, it's my house,
        And the Government Plan's mighty fine!

        The living-room windows are tiny,
        And through them the sun seldom falls.
        The ceilings are cream and the woodwork's brown
        And there's mirrors and ducks on the walls, and...

        The garage is used as a fowl-house,
        The floor's just seven feet wide.
        The car, she's a big station-wagon,
        We never could get it inside. We
        Must park it out on the roadway
        With a tarpaulin over its head.
        They forgot to put gates on the driveway -
        There's a brick fence across it instead, and...

        Electricity poses a problem
        That some time we've all had to meet:
        You just blow a fuse in you kitchen
        And the lights go off right down the street, and...

        Now I'm all for high-density housing,
        But there's often good reason for wrath
        When your neighbour, who visits his bathroom,
        Pulls his plunger and empties YOUR bath! and...

        One evening I chanced to trip over -
        I went through the wall with a BANG!
        I discovered we had one more bedroom -
        They'd left out the door in the plan! and...