E Rima Ngā Manu
Manawakore Leach 1984

Hīkoi ana i te wao me taku kitenga
E rima ngā manu i te rākau rā
I rere mai tētahi ki te kōrero mai nā
Ko wai rā te manu?
Walking in the forest and what did I see
I saw five birds perched in a tree
One flew over to ask of me
Who is the bird that I would be?


Ko tōku ingoa ko Pūkeko
He whero ōku ngutu
Te tuarā he pango

Kua tae te wā kia kī e noho rā
E hia ngā manu e mahue ana?
Ka tahi, ka rua, ka toru, ka whā...

Hīkoi ana i te wao me taku kitenga
E whā ngā manu i te rākau rā
I rere mai tētahi ki te kōrero mai nā
Ko wai rā te manu?

My name is Pukeko
My lips are red
and my back is black.

the time has come to say goodbye
How many birds are left behind?
One, two, three, four...

Walking further in the forest what did I see
I saw four birds perched in a tree
One flew over to ask of me
Who is the bird that I would be?

Ko tōku ingoa ko Ruru
He manu haere pō
Ka moe mō te rā katoa

Kua tae te wā kia kī e noho rā
E hia ngā manu e mahue ana?
Ka tahi, ka rua, ka toru...

Hīkoi ana i te wao me taku kitenga
E toru ngā manu i te rākau rā
I rere mai tētahi ki te kōrero mai nā
Ko wai rā te manu?

My name is Morepork
I'm a bird that comes out at night
and sleeps for the whole day

Now the time has come to say goodbye
How many birds are left behind?
One, two, three...

Walking further in the forest what did I see
I saw
three birds perched in a tree
One flew over to ask of me
Who is the bird that I would be?

Ko tōku ingoa ko Kea
He manu karera
Me te whakatoi e

Kua tae te wā kia kī e noho rā
E hia ngā manu e mahue ana?
Ka tahi, ka rua..

Hīkoi ana i te wao me taku kitenga
E rua ngā manu i te rākau rā
I rere mai tētahi ki te kōrero mai nā
Ko wai rā te manu?

My name is Kea
I'm a bird of prey
that is so cheeky

Now the time has come to say goodbye
How many birds are left behind?
 One, two...

Walking further in the forest what did I see
I saw two birds perched in a tree
One flew over to ask of me
Who is the bird that I would be?

Ko tōku ingoa ko Tūī
He manu korihi
He manu tīoriori

Kua tae te wā kia kī e noho rā
E hia ngā manu e mahue ana?
Ka tahi...

Hīkoi ana i te wao me taku kitenga
Kōtahi te manu i te rākau rā
I hīkoi mai ia ki te kōrero mai nā
Ko wai rā te manu?

My name is Tūī
I sing in choruses
so loud and resounding

Now the time has come to say goodbye
How many birds are left?
Just one...

Walking further in the forest what did I see
I saw one bird standing by a tree
He walked over to ask of me
Who is the bird that I would be?

Ko tōku ingoa ko Kiwi
He manu ngutu roa
He manu rerekore

Kua tae te wā kia kī e noho rā
E hia ngā manu e mahue ana?

My name is Kiwi
I'm a bird with a long beak
A bird that can't fly

Now the time has come to say goodbye
How many birds are left?

Hīkoi ana i te wao me taku kitenga
Korekau ngā manu i te rākau rā
Kia hoki mai ngā manu
ki te kōrero mai nā?

Ā tōna wā ka kitea.
Walking further in the forest what did I see
No birds at all are perched in the tree
Will the birds come back
and talk to me?

In time it will be seen.

New words for me.

    Tuara - an animal's back.

    Mahue - left behind

    Whakatoi - cheeky

    Tīoriori - loud, echoing

    Taku kitenga - literally 'my seen',
                 or in colloquial English 'my observation was', 'what I saw was'.

This webpage was made in Sept 2024

Visitors since Sept 2024