The Late Great Planet Earth

David Calder   1984

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Globalization has made us a consumer society.
We are consuming the natural world that has kept us alive for millions of years, in order to gain short-term wealth. Many states now have thousands of nuclear missiles to deter attacks on their wealthy lands. But we are reaching the limits to this growth, and the risk of nuclear war is increasing.

There's a capsule heading into outer space
Carrying a message from the human race
And sometime just the other night
It left our solar system on an unknown flight

How I wish that I had written this song
Put it out on a CD and sent it along
With some rhythm’n’blues and a fond "So long"
From the late great Planet Earth

It was a small world, you’re prob’ly not aware of it
Big enough for each to have a share of it
I can’t say that we took care of it
The late great Planet Earth

On the whole, people’s intentions were good
Took care of each other the best they could
But it was all based on a fatal flaw
Those with more than enough wanting even more

If you come across this galaxy
And you find yourself in our vicinity
You might even fly through the debris
Of the late great Planet Earth

It’s hard to believe it’s true
She spun through the blackness shining white and blue
But all it took was just one fool
To end the late great Planet Earth

Sometimes in the middle of the night
When I’m lying awake ‘til the early light
I can’t stop crying or wondering why -
So beautiful, it was so beautiful

There’s a capsule heading into outer space
With some intelligence from the human race
But it was all based on a fatal flaw
Those with more than they need wanting more and more and more

You wouldn’t really credit it
Or say that any creature could merit it
But tell me - who were the meek to inherit it?
The late great planet Earth

You couldn’t say that we took good care of it...
All it took was just one fool...
You might even fly through the debris...
Here’s some Ludwig and Chuck and a fond farewell...
I hope you get into this music
From the late great Planet Earth

Our Population Explosion

In the 1800s, humans learn how to harness coal to make steel on a large scale, enabling machinery to be built that can produce food, clothing and transport on a vast scale. The world population grows to one billion.

In the early 1900s, humans also learn how to use sanitation, vaccines and antibiotics to defeat the diseases that had kept the numbers of humans under control.
By the 1940s, the world population has grown to two billion.

In the 1960s a contraceptive pill is invented to stop this dangerous population explosion. Industrialists are making fortunes out of ever-increasing numbers, so they persuade Catholic Church leaders to declare this contraception to be 'sinful' and numbers continued to grow exponentially, away past 3 billion.

The Limits to Growth

In the 1970s a group of leading scientists point out that population, pollution and consumption of finite natural resources are still increasing exponentially. Their computer predicts that unless we have fewer children, the world population blue line will reach 8 billion in the 2020s, then collapse as depleted resources and omnipresent pollution make more and more parts of the world unlivable.

In the late 1970s, the Voyager 1 spacecraft leaves planet Earth, and in 2014 it leaves our solar system.

In the 2020s Voyager is 23 billion km from the sun, and the Limits to Growth scientists are still being ignored, despite a worldwide Extinction Rebellion by teenage schoolgirls in 2019.

We have almost reached 8 billion souls and pollution is still increasing.
In an attempt to replace the 13,000 hectares of over-used food-growing land that becomes arid wasteland every day, 10,000 hectares of forests essential for absorbing CO2 pollution are cut down - every day.

In New Zealand, our green plants absorb 4 million tonnes of CO2 each year, while our cars, trucks, machinery, tourist flights and cattle emit 20 million tonnes of CO2e.

In the 2030s, it is too late to stop the inevitable collapse of our man-friendly climate, the collapse of our human population numbers, and the collapse of our consuming civilization.

Webpage put onto website April 2022