Names of tracks by which our ancestors travelled in parties to visit each other, and also to go to war (Ngati Ruaka)

John White (1889)
The Ancient History of the Maori, His Mythology and Traditions

Simplified and annotated (in GREY boxes) by John Archer 

The original text gives the translation of each place-name, eg;

 Te-koti-pu (the intercepted) road from O-roua (the engulfed) Tau-po, Tara-wera (hasty spirit) Runanga (meeting) Turanga-kumu (silent standing) thence winding up the river Mohaka (the place of games of Haka) to Taurua (canoe to carry the net while fishing) to Ngare ngare he waka (demand a canoe), which is a rock belonging to the man Tauira-mate-awa (example of death in a river) which rock is a god or monster in the water (river or creek of) Ingahanga (Hinganga) (the falling down) of Ahu-riri (dam in the river) belonging to the tribe Nga-ti-mate-pu



  track by Ohura (river Nth of Taumarunui)  to Whakatumutumu. (head-waters of the Mokau – somewhere near Piopio)


 track from Kaiatawa at Whanganui  (near Taumarunui -150 miles from river mouth) to Mokau (river) and to Paripari.


  track from Taringamotu (just nth.of Taumarunui)  to the home of Teihi to Wakatumutumu. (head-waters of the Mokau)


  track from Koretorehu which is a branch creek of the Whanganui river, to Tewakahoroa kainga at Rotoaira.


  track inland from Tihoi and on to Waitotara.


  track from Wareroa at Taupo (Whareroa near Kuratau) to Mokau.


  track from Rukawa at Taupo to Tereinga at the head of the Whanganui river.


  track from Waikanae to Wairarapa. (today’s Otaki Forks track - Tararuas)


  track from Parawanui (near Flock House, Bulls) to Oroua at Rangitikei. (Kimbolton, Apiti, Rangiwahia)


  track from the river of Manawatu to Puketotara.


  track from Rangitikei at Manawatu, to Oroua (Kimbolton, Apiti) and on to Taupo.


  track from Upokongaro at Whanganui to Patea by the interior (Inland Patea - Moawhango), and it ends at Ihitai (Near Lake Rotoaira).
(I think this went up the Makirikiri valley, down it the Whangaehu-Mangawhero river flats, to Mangamahu then Bald Hilll - Moawhango, Rangipo, east side of Mt Tongariro to Rotoaira)


  track from Manawatu to (Inland) Patea, and on to Rotoaira, and at Ihitai at Rotoaira it ends.


  track from Heretaunga (Hastings) to (Inland ) Patea and ending at Runanga.


  track from Taupo to Turanga by Rotongairo to Waikari.


  track from Hikurangi (across the Whanganui river from Matahiwi) to Taupo.
(today's Matahiwi Track, short section of Parapara, across Pah Hill, Desert Road)


  track from Oroua Taupo, Tarawera Runanga Turangakumu thence winding up the river Mohaka to Taurua to Ngare-ngare-he-waka, which is a rock belonging to the man Tauiramateawa which rock is a god or monster in the water Ingahanga of Ahuriri belonging to the tribe Ngatimatepu.


  track from Rarapa to Motuopuhi (pa Te Rauparaha hid in) and on to Rotoaira.


  track from Mangaehu (east of Stratford) to Tunupo at the Waitara (river).


  track from Waipa (river at Te Kuiti)  to the Whanganui river going by way of Otamakahi Puketutu and on by Pukemapau.


  track lying at Waitara (North of New Plymouth) at Waitangi(?) to Urenui on the coast. This is a track of the Ngatiawa tribe.


  track from Makaikitea on the river Waitara to Pukearuhe  on the coast south of Mokau (River).


 from the head of the Rangitikei river to Heretaunga (Hastings)  it passes by Otara and (Inland) Patea over the Ruahine range to Tereinga and to Mahuru thence descending to Teahuturanga the track at the head of Manawatu to Heretaunga, thence on to Pouwhango the river where it commences, and at Teruataniwha it comes out on the plain.


  track from Manawatu to Wairarapa over the Tararua range. This track commences at Tetaita and Te Maire and it ascends near by the Tokomaru river, it goes over the Tararua, and comes down on the plain at Mangataunoke on the east side of the mountain; Ruamahanga is the name of the first Pa on the Wairarapa side of the mountain. This track occupies one day in going over it.


  track from Kirikiri to Tongaporutu between Waitara to Mokau.


  track from Whanganui (River) to Waitotara. It commences at Mangapapa, and goes to Mamanga. This track takes two days to pass over it.




commences at Raupona at Whanganui and to the entrance of the Mokau river, and thence on by the Ohura thence on the ridge of Taurua.


  track from Pokuao at the source of Waitara on to Tangarakau at Whanganui.


  track from Waitara to Mangaehu, (stream east of Makahu) and on to Pipiriki.


  track from Mangaehu (30 km E. of Stratford) to Pipiriki.


 track from Mangaehu (30 km E. of Stratford) to Puketi.


  track from Waitotara to Pipiriki.


 is a branch track from the Karewarewa  track leading to Pukehika.


 is also a branch track from that of Karewarewa turning at Tunuhaere.




 a branch  track from Karewarewa, terminating at Kauaropaoa. (stream Nth of Kaiwhaiki –Kemp’s Pole)


  track from Waitotara to Taumaha (Manutahi -south of Hawera) and is a good path, not having any bogs.


  track from Tutakamoana at Taupo to Arowhena.


 track from Taupo to Rotorua.


This track commences at Puhirua from Rotorua, to Tauranga.


This commences at Rangatira and goes from Taupo to Matamata on the Waihou.


 track from Manganui-a-te-ao to the Rotoaira.
(from today's Ruatiti to Erua, National Park and Lake Rotoaira)


Ko Papa i-hoea:
te ingoa o Pamutana i Rangi-tikei.

Kai koura:
te ara atu i Wai-pa ki Whanga-nui.

te ara atu i O-hura ki Whaka-tumutumu.

Rua pekapeka:
te ara atu i Kai-a-tawa i Whanga-nui a Mo-kau atu ana ki Paripari.

Te kowhatu-ngawha:
te ara atu i Taringa-motu, i te kainga a Te ihi a waka-tumutumu atu.

Wareware tara:
te ara atu i Korete-rehu (he manga wai no te awa o Whanga-nui) ki Te-waka-horo-a-kainga ki Roto a ira.

Tara naki:

te ara o uta atu ano i Tihoi a tae noa ki Wai totara.

te ara atu ano i Ware roa i Tau-po a Mokau atu ana.

te ara atu ano i Pu kawa i Tau-po a Te-reinga atu ana ki te pukakitanga o te awa o Whanga nui.


te ara atu ano i Wai kanae, a Wai-rarapa atu ana.

Te hiringa:
te ara atu ano i Parawa-nui ki O-roua, i Rangi-tikei.

te ara atu ano ki Puke-totara i te awa o Manawa tu.


te ara atu ano i Rangi tikei i Manawa-tu a O-roua atu ana ki Tau po.

Upoko ngaro:
te ara atu ano i Upoko-ngaro i Whanga nui a Pa-tea atu ana i uta, a ko Ihi-tai te mutunga mai o taua ara nei.


te ara atu i Manawa tu ki Pa-tea a Roto a ira atu ana, a ko Ihi-tai te mutunga mai o taua ara nei i Roto-a-i


te ara atu ano i Here-taunga (Hutt) ki Pa-tea a kei Runanga te mutunga mai.

te ara atu ano i Tau-po ki Tu-ranga ma te roto o Te-roto-ngairo ki Wai-kari.

te ara atu ano i Hiku-rangi ki Tau-po.

Te Koti-pu:
te ara atu i O-rona, Tau-po, Tara-wera, Runanga, Turanga-kumu, ka piki i hoaka he awa, a Tau-rua, Ngarengare-he-waka, he Keho na te tangata nei na Tauira-mate-awa, he atua te wai o Ingahanga o Ahu riri o te iwi nei oNga-te mate pu.

Matai iwi:
te ara atu ano i Rarapa ki Motu-o puhi Roto-a ira.

te ara atu i Manga-ehu ki Tunu-po i te awa i Wai-tara.

Kai koura:
te ara atu i Wai pa ki te awa i Whanga nui, ma 0-tamo kahi, Puke-tute, me Puke-mapau.

Te tihi-roa:
te ara atu ano i Wai-tanga i Wai-tara ki ure nui i te akau i te tai moana, na Nga-ti-awatenei ara.

te ara atu i Maka i katea i te awa o Wai tara ki Puke-aruhe i te akau ki te taha ki te tonga o Mo-kau.

te ara atu ano i te pukakitanga o Rangi-tikei ki Here-taunga (Hawkes Bay) ka ma 0-tara, a Pa-tea, ka piki a ka heke i Rua-hine, Te-reinga, Ma hure, a ka heke ki te Ahu-turanga, te ara i te pukakitanga o Manawa-tu, e tika atu ana ki Here-taunga a Pou-whango i te awa timatanga o taua ara nei, a kei Te-rua-o-te-taniwha te putanga ki waho ki te parae.

te ara atu i Manawa-tu ki Wai-rarapa, ka haere ka piki ka eke, ka heke i Tara-rua, ka haere atu taua ara nei i Taita a i Te-maire a ka piki i te takiwa ki te awa i Toko-maru, a te awa i Manga-tau-noke i tua o te maunga, a ka tae atu ki te pa i Rua-mahanga i te taha ki Wai-rarapa, kotahi te ra e haerea ai te ara nei, ka tae ki taua pa.

te ara atu ano i kirikiri ki Tonga-porutu i te takiwa o Wai-tara, o Mo-kau, po toru e haerea ai tenei ara ka tae Tonga-porutu.

te ara atu ano i Whanga-nui ki Wai-totara, ka timata te ara nei i Manga papa a ka haere ki Mamanga. do rua ki te ara nei.

Paka-a-te umauma:
e ma ingoa o te ara nei a ka haere atu i Rau-ponga i Whanga-nui, ka haere ki te wahapu o te awa i Mo kau, ka ma te awa o 0-hura te ara nei, a ka haere i te hiwi o Tau-rua.

te ara atu i Po-kuao i te kainga o Wai tara a ki Tanga rakau i Whanga-nui.

te ara atu ano Wai tara ki Manga-ehu.

te ara atu i Manga-ehu ki Pipi-riki.


te ara atu i Manga-ehu ki Pake-ti.


te ara atu i Wai-totara ki Pipi-riki.


he ara ano mo Karawarawa, a tae atu ana ki Puke-hika.

he ara ano no Karewarewa, a tae noa atu ki Tunu-haere.


e rua ingoa o tenei ara, a he manga taua ara nei mo te ara Karewarewa a tae noa atu ki Kauaropawa.

te ara atu ano i Wai-totara ki Tau-mapu, he ara pai te ara nei hore he repo e haere ai.

te ara atu ano i Tu-taka moana, a Tau-po ki Arowhena.

te ara atu ano i Tau po ki Roto-rua.

Te Koko roa:
te ara atu i Tau po ki Matamata, a Wai hou atu ana, a kei Rangatira te timatanga o te ara nei.

O kahu-kura:
te ara atu ano i Manga nui-a-te-ao ki Roto aia.