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Entering the Tui Awards

The Tui Awards are given by the Recording Industry Association of NZ for the best CDs etc in various categories of music each year.

There is one 'Tui' awarded each year for the best folk music CD.

If you are issued on a label that is a member of the Recording Industry Association of NZ, you don't need to do anything ... except maybe nag your label to enter the recording.

If you are not on an RIANZ-affiliated label ...

1) Telephone the Recording Industry Association at (09) 308-0510

2) Ask to be sent a copy of the entry form

3) When it arrives, fill it out

4) Parcel up
      a) the completed form
      b) five copies of your CD (for the judges)
      c) a cheque for $112.50 ($100 plus GST)

5) Send or deliver the parcel to the RIANZ.
It's P.O. Box 37442, Parnell, Auckland if you're posting;
11 York St, Parnell (where the Mandrill studio used to be) if you're delivering.

6) Wait. If your recording becomes a finalist, you'll read it in the paper first; soon after, you'll get a letter from the RIANZ.
I gather that if you don't become a finalist, you find out by not being in the paper and not getting a letter.

Put on web, April 2002