Yes - this the tale
of dad’s dunny
This is the tale of his loo
A place of retreat - with a comfortable seat
Looking out on a heavenly view
I watched as he cut out the opening
He took off the old hat he wore
He scribed out the brim - with a pencil
then he cut out the mark with a saw
He fetched an old drum from the woolshed
And the dunny at last was complete
He christened the structure
- of
the farm at a glance
As he sat on the old dunny seat
Yes, this the tale
of dad’s dunny
This is the tale of his loo
A place of retreat with a comfortable seat
Looking out on a heavenly view
My father would leave the door open
As he pondered the work to be done
And he'd sit with his tweeds
- way down past his knees
While his body was warmed by the sun
And there, undisturbed in the dunny
As the dogs lay around at his feet
He would plan out his work
- for the long winter months
As he sat on the old dunny seat
Now the years carry change in their passing
The old must give way to the new
We built a new house - as we prospered
- and down came the bog with a view
We now had a flush-matic toilet
With a seat of pink plastic inside
But my father he mourned
- that old dunny of his
right up to the day that he died
Yes, that was the
tale of dad’s dunny
But I think in some heavenly loo
My father is sitting in heavenly state
Looking out on a heavenly view