ACT 1- SCENE 1- PATEA FREEZING WORKS Patea Freezing Works September 1982. Jay and Gabrielle are childhood sweethearts born and raised in the small South Taranaki town of Patea. For several months rumour has been rife - their jobs are on the line. The Vesty owned Patea Freezing Company is closing. Today Jay, Gabrielle, the 'Chainees' (slaughtermen) and all the workers share their last day on the No.1 Chain. Outside the Works gates they make their last defiant stand. SCENE 2- PARIROA MARAE A farewell church service has been called by the tribal elders of Ngati Ruanui and Ngarauru to bless workers who are leaving Patea to start life anew. Each family member is given a 'Ruakura', feathers of peace and love. They are asked by Uncle Ted and Reverend Taka to wear them with pride. These symbols will protect and guide them wherever they go and they are assured that as long as they are in their possession they will guide them safely home to their tribal village nestled beneath Maunga (Mount) Taranaki, their beloved sacred mountain. Speeches and singing are part of the evenings proceedings. SCENE 3- PATEA BEACH Workers, families and friends have brought forward the traditional annual Works picnic. Gabrielle and Jay are reminded of their tribal links and legends by Uncle Ted and Jay's sister Letty. Jay realises a new sense of pride and identity. SCENE 4- TUTAHI CHURCH Tutahi Church at Nukumaru a small settlement in South Taranaki is the Ngarauru tribe's religious stronghold. The christening of baby Alishiba and a joint farewell sacrament service unites the ex-freezing workers. Mitch and Jay receive their sacrament and blessing from Reverend Taka. However, Gabrielle does not show for her's. SCENE 5- PAMRIMRI MARAE, TOKOMARU BAY Ten South Taranaki Marae (including Pariroa) form themselves into the Rangitaawhi Marae Enterprise Trust. The ex-freezing workers visit Tokomaru Bay on a research tour and meet Ngoi Ngoi Pewhairangi. They compare their work schemes and initiatives to those of the local populace. They are accorded a traditional Maori powhiri (welcome) by their Ngati Porou hosts. As is tribal custom and protocol, whaikorero and waiata (speeches and songs) are exchanged between the visitors and their hosts. Ngoi informs them she has co-written the 'poi song' for their Patea Culture Group. The Patea group are given incentives for PEP and Kohanga Reo. ![]() ACT 2- SCENE 1- KING'S CROSS, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Six months has passed, Gabrielle (now nicknamed Gabby) has met and befriended infamous Kiwi (New Zealand) personality transvestite 'Carmen'. Gabby has domiciled in Sydney's red light district and in Jay's absence has taken on employment as a 'lady of the night' and has acquired a passion for drugs (devils food). Former Freezing workmates Dee Dee, Chanel and cousin Tama settled into the Cross' exciting Cosmopolitan lifestyle. Carmen nicknamed by all as 'Voodoo Lady' reads Gabby's Tarot cards at her request. Carmen refuses to reveal the card Gabby has picked. SCENE 2- ON TOUR BRITAIN / AMERICA Jay and Gabby's family and friends have become overnight pop sensations as the Patea Maori Club back in New Zealand. They play concerts in Britain where Poi E is released as a single. They learn of Ngoi Pewhairangi's death before returning to New Zealand. SCENE 3- GABBY'S APARTMENT Tama, Chanel, Dee Dee and Gabby share an apartment overlooking the Cross. Mitch and Jay arrive unannounced from their surfing holiday Gabby entices Jay to sample a little 'devils food'. SCENE 4- RADIO STUDIO I PARIROA MARAE DJ announces that for the first time an all Maori language record 'Poj E' has reached No.1 on the New Zealand Top 40 and second Gold Disc presented to Lyricist Ngoi Pewhairangi. Jay and Gabby's engagement is announced to the whanau at Jay's 21st birthday Whanau and friends depart to Patea for celebratory drinks. Jay and Gabby have their own celebration with a little 'devils food'. They return to Pariroa Marae in the early hours of the morning 'out of it'. The effect of the drugs and alcohol cause the lovers to hallucinate. The Marae, the last Bastion of all things tapu and sacred to the tribe has been desecrated. Jay and Gabby are attacked by their flying tipuna (ancestors). The Kahui rere, their kaitiaki (caretakers), the tuatara men and Koro Atiawa believed by the tribe to have domesticated the extinct Moa bird. The teko teko (carved warriors) adorning the Meeting House come to life as do the spirits of the couples ancestors, including Jay's grandmother, who taunts Gabrielle. Jay is successful in finally dispersing his and Gabrielle's attackers. SCENE 5- GABBY'S APARTMENi~ KING'S CROSS Chanel, Tama, Mitch and Dee Dee call on Gabby and Jay to find Gabby has been violently beaten. She pleads with her friends to be quiet, but their vocal refrain awakens Jay. Gabby supported by her friends finds new found courage and she makes a last minute plea to Jay who has just had a fix. Realising her pleas have fallen on deaf ears she chooses to leave Jay SCENE 6- SYDNEY HOSPITAL Jay is in a drug induced coma with Gabby by his side. Uncle Ted, Jay's sister Letty and Gabby's uncle 'Big D' have flown from New Zealand to be with their mokopuna. They are joined by Mitch, Dee Dee, Chanel and Tama. Jay loses battle for his life and the Doctor pronounces him dead. In despair Gabby removes a syringe from her bag and escapes from reality, the only way she knows how to. SCENE 7- PARIROA MARAE The whanau gather for the tangihanga (funeral) of their beloved mokopuna (grandchild). They return to the wharenui (big house) for the hakari (feast). Letty reminisces and thanks the cooks. At the poroporoaki (farewell speech) Uncle Ted farewells Jay and Gabby's families, friends and you our audience. ![]() < BACK |