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Translating "ka onga"

Dictionary definitions did not seem to fit here, so I did Google searches in old Maori documents online, and found a dozen different meanings.

1. to cause iritation, to sting (ongaonga = stinging nettle)

2. a regional variant of "ka anga" - to come in a particular direction.

Ko nga rohe enei o taua whenua, ka timata i te Kaikatearoa, ka haere i te taha o te awa Kanae,  ka huri te marangai ma tonga a Te Ana o Mohao ka onga ki te marangai a Tawitirahi...

These are the boundaries of the land, commencing at Kaikatearoa, going along the bank of Te Awakanae, turning the South East to Te Ana o Mohao, coming towards the north to Tawhitirahi....  Hauraki docs

3. to be enticed, as a bird when lured.
         He kaka onga, a parrot caught by means of a decoy bird.

4. to shake about

5. to clatter, like spoons on tin plates. “Dong-dong”
              “E kai ana hoki i te kai o te ahiahi. E onga ana te koko.” Te Ao Hou

6. onga = honga = to tilt

7. to look (Easter Island dialect)

Other usage
1. blue-wattled crow, kokako, hokako, honga, onga, honge, onge.

2. a treasured possession, especially a garment.

3. onga = onge = a scarce, rare thing.

4. onga, Maorification of “owner”

5. contraction of “o ngā” "
         ...o te Atua onga tangata....," 1 Timoti 2, 5.

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