He Aha Kei Taku Uma  
Various versions
from 1920s to 1940s

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A ridiculed 'indigestion' verse that was dropped from a 1914 love song has mutated into a 2024 rallying call to young Kiwis to fight far-right capitalism robbing them of their heritage.

A 'Folk Process' of Composition

In 1912, 37-year-old Pariare Tomoana (Ngati Kahungunu) fell in love with 18-year old Kuini Ripeka Raerena (Nati Porou) and underwent a very tumultuous range of feelings before marrying her a year later. He later expressed his upset feelings in his song Tahi Nei Taru Kino, "Sweep away this troublesome weed."

For the second verse he wrote

He aha kei taku uma  What is this within my chest
Päkikini nei?                  that pinches so much?
He aroha rä nei?             Is it love?
He aha rä nei?                Or what is it?

But everybody laughed at this verse and started singing

He aroha rä nei             Is it love
He tokopä rä nei?          or is it indigestion?

The third verse was also rather average, so only the first and last verses were sung from then on, and are still sung to this day.

Undeterred, Pariare modified the 2nd verse and the tune and tried again.

He aha kei taku uma
E pätuki ake nei?
He aroha ra e hine?
He aha ka uiae?
He aha ka uia e?
What is this within my chest
that beats so much?
It is love, girl?
Why do you have to ask?
Why do you even
have to ask?

E rua nei aku ringa
E ma nei i ahau
Kotahi hei pera urunga
Kotahi hei awhiawhi mai
Kotahi hei awhia mai
I have two hands
that I can use
One for a pillow.
One to embrace
you with
One to embrace
you with

Kau ra koe e hine
I nga ngaru nunui
Hei hapai hapai ake
I tënei whakatupuranga,
I t?nei whakatupuranga,
You will swim far girl
through mountainous waves
and you will bring great credit,
to this generation
to this generation.

World War Two

In WW2, He Aha's words were rewritten to encourage young men to join the soldiers of the 28th Maori Battalion, then fighting the fascists in North Africa to stop them from stealing more land, and fighting to regain the land they had already stolen.
Hei aha kei taku uma?
E tuki nei te mamae
He aroha pea ki te tau
Ka momotu ki tawhiti e?

Aue te aroha, aue te mamae,
 tötöia kumekumea!
E pëhi kino iho nei
I ngä mökai kiri e

E oho rangatahi maranga rä
Häpaingia tö iwi e
Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui
Ake, ake kia kaha e

Aue te aroha aue te mamae
tötoia kumekumea!
E pëhi kino iho nei
I ngä mökai kiri e
What is this within my bosom?
Is the pain striking me here
perhaps love for my darling
separated by such a great distance?

Oh, by such painful love
I am pulled, I am dragged,
This is pressing down on me
enslaving me.

Young men, wake up get out and
Support your tribe
Be strong, brave and steadfast
Forever, always be courageous!

Oh, by such painful love
I am pulled, I am dragged,
This is pressing down on me
enslaving me

I've changed the usual accents due to a software fault I have that turns them into ? or ā

Hana Rawiti Maipi-Clarke

21-year-old Hana Rawiti is the youngest member ever to be legally elected to stand in parliament. She is the Waikato-Haaraki member for Te Pati Maori.

In her maiden speech (Read it here) she spoke of the 34 million acres of Maori land that the racist English had stolen from her people, and she criticized the National-led coalition government for attacking "My whole world from every corner."

She identified health, the environment, water, land, natural resources and children as her key areas of disagreement with Luxon's far-right  government that is backed by international corporations.

Hence the significance of Hana's Waikato supporters singing the anti-Fascist WW2 version of Hei Aha. Her supporters then followed with the haka Ruaumoko.

Aue Te Aroha

  Native Palestinians experienced 
  exactly the same increase in
  conquest after they finally
  responded to the
  invasion of their lands
by US/
  European Zionists with an armed
  counter-attack in October 2023.
What the Europeans called 'colonization,' Maori experienced as conquest. Their lands were taken from them, their customs ignored, and their cultural values violated. At first they responded with armed resistance, which only increased the extent of their conquest.

Maori then responded with prophetic movements that kept them in touch with their past and insulated them from the intrusion of the interlopers: Te Ua's Pai Marie, Te Kooti's Ringatu,  Te Whiti's Parihaka, as well as Ratana and Maramatanga, with both the latter being inspired by Mere Rikiriki.

In the early 1940s, Maramatanga leader Moe Ruka used the tune of He Aha as a waka to carry the verses of Aue Te Aroha, in which he reminds followers of the foundation tenets of their movement.

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Thanks to David Leine
, this was placed on in Jan 2024

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