Pōkarekare Ana

4. The song's origins in World War One

World War One

Te Aute College 1913

Gallipoli 1915

Hokianga Harbour 1915

More reserves were being called up

Narrowneck Camp, Takapuna 1915

Final Leave 1916

Ruatoria 1917

More than a thousand young men were killed or wounded from a total Maori population of only 50,000.

Then another 1000 Maori died in the Influenza pandemic.
So Pokarekare is always sung here with a tinge of grief.

Early performances

  1. an old Dalmatian folk tune?
  2. sung on stage in 1920
  3. Parlour piano sheet music
  4. the original waltz timing
  5. old musical scores
  6. Hemi Piripata
  7. in Rotorua

In many cultures today

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