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has been performed as the pre-match haka of the NZ Maori rugby team
WIRI! TU WHAKAMAUA! KIA TINA! Tina! Hui e! Taiki e!! I TE TĪMATANGA KO TE KORE* Ko Te Pō-nui Ko Te Pō-roa Ia, ha ha! Wehenga mātua** Herenga tāngata He toa rangatahi He toa rangatira. Whakaki te maunga Tae ki te whenua Hoki ki te rangi Tae ki te pukerunga Ia, ha ha! Piki ake, piki ake Ki te ara poutama Ki ngā taumatatanga e Wairua, Hinengaro Tinana Aue, aue, aue, hi! |
quivering your hands! Stand sure, Be firm! Firm! Get together! Intermesh with each other! In the beginning there was nothingness, then great dark forms in the long night. The separation of our parents** The binding together of mankind Young warriors Noble warriors Aim for the mountain to arrive at the plain, and also for the sky to arrive at the hilltop Keep on climbing via the pathway of wisdom, to achieve excellence spiritually, mentally, physically. |
* Te
Kore, Te Pō Nui and Te Pō Roa are personified as primordial ancestors.
** Matua = the first parents, Ranginui
and Papatuanuku, spirit and flesh.........
Founders, leaders and tutors of the Te Waka Huia Maori Cultural Club since 1981.
This club has been winner of Aotearoa Traditional Maori Performing Arts Festivals and has represented NZ at South Pacific Festivals.
Dr Ngapo Wehi was a lecturer in Maori studies and education at AIT and UNITEC from 1984 to 1996.
He is, in 2008, a lecturer in Maori Studies at Auckland University.
He is or has been:
Justice of the Peace
Managing Director, Pounamu Training Systems;
Chairman, Te Waka Toi Arts Council
Chairman, Pounamu Maori Development Authority;
Member of Tourism Auckland,
Chamber of Commerce,
Auckland Maori Competitions Committee.
He and his wife Dr Pimia Wehi, are the only people who have won the Aotearoa Traditional Maori Performing Arts Festival six times; in 1972 and 1979 with Waihirere, and in 1986, 1992, 1994 and 2009 with Te Waka Huia.
Both Bub and Nan have spent a lifetime living and working in the field of Maori Performing Arts as performers, tutors and composers. MORE DETAILS
Webpage written by John Archer, Sept 2008