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John Wayne Christians

Multiple US pastors have been telling the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount in their sermons and then having someone come up to them afterwards to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points from?' and most of times when the pastor says, 'I'm quoting Jesus Christ,' the response is, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak.'


1. Bonding

 Let us have a look at how fundamentalist Christians have remade Christ to their own image and likeness.

Belonging to a religion does not imply literal belief in some otherworldly beings. ReLIGions, like LIGaments, LIGatures, LEGo and LEGislation, bond entities together, and religions usually bond individuals by rituals that involve group singing and psychologically true stories that promote unity.

Thus, football is a religion with pre-game and team encounter
rituals that bond millions of otherwise alienated workers in industrial cities together.B/R The stories acted out by a team's play on the field provides a guide to life for the working-class spectators.

2. Survival of the fittest

Group singing at a religion's ritual meeting releases endorphinsNIH and thus promotes bonding. Watch the ritual singing of “Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau” at a Welsh rugby stadium.  The bigger the group, the more the endorphin that is released, the more powerful the bonding, and the greater the chance of that religion surviving and its adherents reproducing.Darwin.

3. Two
ways of viewing reality:

(a) factually, through geography and history, using observation and conscious 'left-brain' reasoning.

(b) internally, through psychology and relationships, using unconscious 'right-brain' association of images and stories.Jung

Us NZ school kids were warned about Bertie GermBG using his pickaxe to drill holes in our teeth if we didn't eat our vegetables or brush our teeth.

Bertie was not factual, but in our minds he created a vivid mental and emotional picture of a complex truth that was difficult to explain technically.

In ordinary life, terms like "You are a bright spark,"
the web, sunrise, electron cloud, black hole etc also create similar non-factual but easy-to-grasp mental images.

4. Mythic stories

Many stories with vivid mental pictures are not historically factual but are nonetheless psychologically truthful. For example, the ancient Polynesian tale of Tafaki, and its European equivalent Jack and the Beanstalk explain the challenges and rewards of puberty. We now call these mythic stories.

To maintain cohesion in a group, every person's super-ego (the part of every person's unconscious mind that guides their obligations, inhibitions and prohibitions) needs to be formed in much the same way.

This cohesive programming of tribal members' super-egos was achieved with mythic stories about tribal chiefs. As tribes amalgamated, the authority figure became portrayed as an ever more powerful metaphorical chief, lord, king, emperor, local-god, lord-god person who commanded obedience, hence the judeo-christian Lord God's commandments.

Individuals in a group are also motivated by self-sacrificing love from their unconscious mind's ego. To motivate this loving activity, cultures abounded with Hero stories: Theseus, Beowulf, David, Jesus, Hiawatha, Jeanne d'Arc, Te Rauparaha, Frodo, Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter and currently, Greta Thunberg.

5. Paradise lost

When pre-European Maori were educated, both the conscious literal 'left-side' of their mind and the unconscious intuitive 'right-side' were trained. As well as gaining factual knowledge about communal history and defence, food gathering and growing, house, boat, and tool-making, navigation etc, their imagination and intuition were trained with mythical stories that taught lessons for life. Other tribal and village societies had similar individualised systems.


But the rise of industrialization in the West brought about a large-scale migration of fearless independent youngsters from close-knit village communities with traditional rituals and individualised education, to industrial cities where they were re-educated in dehumanizing factory-style schools, where masses of students (raw material) were processed in a centrally located building (factory) by teachers (workers).


Consequently, even today, many Westerners have lost the ability to see the internal personal truths in mythic stories. They can only misinterpret Christianity's stories about God, death, heaven, hell, resurrection etc as literal events and places.

In the USA especially, left-brain educated fundamentalist leaders have tried to control holistically-educated  by pushing these mythic stories onto them as literal facts, and some young people have rightly become disbelievers, atheists, free-thinkers, humanists.

But many others trained in literal Christianity have ignored the Biblical verses "God is love1Jn" and "Love God...with all your mind".Lk10 Instead,
they have chosen to close their minds completely in order to share in the group security of mindless fundamentalism.

6. Mayflowerism

The teachers used repetitive rote-learning to fill the children's 'left-brains' with 'useful' facts, while suppressing their 'right-brain' curiosity, imagination and intuition, thus creating millions of submissive human robots (value-added product) who were conditioned to spend a lifetime of mind-numbing repetitive work in a noisy crowded space for long hours, totally isolated from nature's rhythms.


Industrialized Christians and Jews sailed to the USA from the tenement slum s of European factory towns to find liberty, and ever since their arrival they have been stealing the liberties of Indigenous folk, Africans, Asians, Latin Americans and Arabs in order to gain wealth and power for themselves.

They have justified taking these anti-Christian, anti-Judeic liberties by creating a White Hat Gun-slinger mythology where White might is right. Teddy Roosevelt, John Wayne, Donald Trump, and now Benni Netanyahu are among their role models.

This John Wayne fundamentalism, or Mayflowerism, conflicts directly with the mythic truths in the Christ stories. USA fundamentalists now ignore the basic Christ truth of You are the body of Christ.1Cor  or in other words, 'Godliness dwells in your selfless care for others'.Lk9

Instead, they just 'give themselves' to a distorted Jesus whom they apparently do not see an all-loving Christ but as a John Wayne stereotype.  Their Jesus tells them to feel free to spread more and more of the guns that kill thousands of US children annually, and to continue getting wealthier and wealthier by asset-stripping the lands of Indo-China, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine after manufacturing and dropping shiploads of bombs and missiles that have killed millions of kids and their parents in those lands.

6. Mountain Climbing
In my 82 years of life, I've found that religious beliefs depend on what side of the mountain you are climbing, and on how high up you are, whether you are following the pathway of the Footballer, Sikh, Humanist, Nature conservationist, Folksinger, Christian, Taoist, Sikh etc.

Beliefs broaden as you climb higher. The essential thing in life is the burning desire to help all the others who are climbing life's mountain with you, or will be coming after you in years to come. The John Wayne fundamentalists are pushing others off the cliff, then destroying the pathway for others following behind them.

John Archer,
January, 2024
[email protected]

Tankie Yank From The West Bank