The Gumboot Song
John Clarke / Billy Connelly/traditional

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John Clarke performed this song as Fred Dagg in his 1970s TV comedy show.

(Intro, spoken, with gusto.)'Righto, kick it in the guts, Trev... '
C G F C Gumboots, they are wonderful, gumboots, they are swell F C Dm G7 'coz they keep out the water, and they keep in the smell. C F C And when you're sittin' round at home, you can always tell F C G C When one of the Trevs has taken off his gumboots. Chorus: If it weren't for your gumboots, where would ya be? You'd be in the hospital or infirmary 'coz you would have a dose of the 'flu, or even pleurisy If ya didn't have yer feet in yer gumboots. Now there's rugby boots and racing boots, and boots for drinkin' rum. But the only boots I'm never without, are the ones that start with "gum". I've got short ones and long ones, and some up to me belt. I'm never dressed 'till I've got on me gumboots. Whenever I sing at the opera, my gumboots are a must. They help me hit the high notes, and protect me feet from dust. They keep the water well away, so me voice won't get no rust. You will not never see me without me gumboots. Now (names of current unpopular politicians), they haven't made a hit. They're ruining the country, more than just a bit. If they keep on how they're going, we'll all be in turd. So you'd better get yer feet up yer gumboots.


John Clarke made this song by modifying Billy Connelly's "Welly Boot Song", which Connelly in turn made by modifying the old song, "The Work of the Weavers."

John Clarke moved to Australia and has now died, but Fred Dagg lives on as an enduring Kiwi icon in the imagination of New Zealanders, and has even inspired an annual Gumboot Festival in the hill-country farming town of Taihape.

Also see Clarke's other songs We Don't Know How Lucky We Are and One on a Tractor and his film career CV

On Record

Clarke 1976

The Ballad Writers' Toolbox

Talking Dirty

John Clarke gets a laugh, and also avoids offence, by using "turd" here instead of the expected rhyme with "bit."

I have had a lot of fun doing the same thing in my Eel song. Don't overdo it.
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