King Dick
Mervyn Addenbrooke/John Archer  
20-year-old Merv Addenbrooke was a top-notch shot
with a rifle, a keen pig-hunter, and the key witness   
in the 1921 Mangamahu 'murder.'

Old Mervyn's voice
And nothing happened until the very last. I thought, oh, King Dick's not about, he must be somewhere else. He's probably in the bush somewhere. And the last thing, on the opposite side, here he comes. I could hear the dogs barking in the distance, but he came over, and down the side he came — he had a great long bushy tail. And as he came down the hill, his tail was going like this. He looked a huge pig.

1.Young Merv burst through the whare door, his eyes were all agleam.
"There's pigs galore on Baker's Ridge,
an' the biggest boar I've ever seen."

Well, old George dropped the firewood axe and grabbed a whisky quick.
"So you saw that big black tusker boy,
watch out, that's old King Dick
It is.
Watch out, that's old King Dick."

2. Old King Dick leads his mob to feed
in the Mangamahu Hills,
Where old George toils to clear the scrub
in the rain and winter chill.
And where Mervin on his ridgetop
watches tuskers grub and root
In the gullies of a facing slope,
too far off to shoot
They were. 

They were too far off to shoot.

3. Now Merv plays his accordion,
while George and his mate Jack
Get stuck into their monthly binge
with a dozen Sandy Mac.
"Play Maggie Mae again," cries George,
his arms wave in the air.
He tries to rise and dance a jig,
falls sideways off his chair.
He does.
Falls sideways off his chair.

4. Well the boy picks up the old man
and helps him to his bed.
"Wa'sh out boy, here comes King Dick,
with tusks all bloody red
He got ol' Scott and Digger,
the besht dogs in me pack...."

The boy straps on his Bowie knife
and he heads out up the track
He does.
He heads out up the track.

5. Back of Bakers' he finds hoofprints,
follows King Dick's mighty mark
To a pig run in the bracken,
a tunnel close and dark.
He's halfway up the tunnel
when King Dick charges down.
A six-inch tusk rips Mervin's leg
he crashes to the ground
He does,
He crashes to the ground.

6. But he's back next day with men
and dogs who hool the pigs along
To a rock outcrop where Merv now waits
with his .303 Long Tom.
He fires Long Tom a dozen times,
a dozen boars fall down.
Not one of them the great King Dick;
Black Richard's gone to ground
He has.
Black Richard's gone to ground.

7. But a dozen red-eyed tuskers
are whirling round the room,
Where a dozen empty bottles,
Sandy MacDonald wishky eh?
sing a dead man's tune.
Old George is lying on the floor,
eyes full of fear and pain,
"It's King Dick Jack; quick, swing your axe.
He's gouging out my brain,
He is.
He's gouging out my brain."

Back on the rock, the boy still waits,
the dogs now barking loud.
His Majesty bursts forth at last,
running strong and proud.
One shot at a hundred yards,
the old King falls down dead.
The boy pulls out his Bowie knife
and he hacks off King Dick's head.
He does.
He hacks off King Dick's head.

And it's many a mile that the hunter walks,
he arrives in the dead dark night.
And from old George's whare,
well, there comes ne'r sound nor light.
Mervyn stops to strike a match
and steps in through the door.
And he finds old George
with his head lopped off,
lying on the floor.

Old Mervyn's voice
He had done the deed because George his old cobber had asked him to do it "He asked me to cut his head off, he lay on the floor and asked me to cut his head off, and I did it."
I got out post haste, tore down to tell my cousin that there had been a murder.

King Dick, the Biggest Boar Ever

An Extra Large Boar

Across the river from Cecil's, on a holding called Wharemata, there was amongst the many wild pigs an extra large boar. The boar's refuge was a two thousand-acre block of bush reserve which was situated between the Whangaehu valley and the Mangawhero valley. Although the bush was his refuge, he came out to feed in the bracken fern, second growth and scrubby valleys. He was known to be in the vicinity for many years.

This pig went by the name of King Dick, and was a great fighter, especially amongst the pig dogs, a few dogs being killed by him. I remember one young fellow who had made up his mind to get this pig, going out several times during the year with his two holding dogs. One of his dogs got badly ripped along the stomach, which allowed his intestines to come out and drag on the ground.

I had been eager to get this pig for about two years, but he was too clever for me, even when I carried a rifle, for he seemed to make for the dense cover while I was out or range every time. My dogs were sheep dogs, which usually stood off to bark and bail him, and even one of them got ripped, but I usually carried a needle and thread and something to use as a muzzle in case of being bitten while operating. Twice I had to carry a dog on my horse in front of me, but a sick dog seems to know it is for the best.

The Fatal Day

It seemed impossible to get this boar, but I finally arranged with two other shepherds to make a big noise mustering the block, while I stationed myself on a high rock which emerged from a low saddle leading into the main bush, where I had noticed the main lot of pigs used to make for. Numbers of pigs of all sizes came past me, but I was not firing a shot except only at the big boars. I waited for about three hours in the one place, where I estimated at least a hundred pigs passed me.

I shot three fair-size boars, but no King Dick. I could hear the shepherds' dogs in the distance, and thought King Dick has beaten me again, but on viewing a steep sidling opposite me, I saw my quarry coming full tilt down the steep sidling with his long brushy tail (typical on old boars) swinging from side to side.

When he got to the valley bottom just below me, he stopped for a breather, only about a hundred yards below me. He received a fatal shot. Eventually the shepherds arrived on the scene after I had cut the head and trotters off.

We made for home and found, when we arrived, that Cecil had visitors. We took the trotters in to show them, but they wouldn't believe us. They thought the trotters were the legs of a cattle-beast until they went out to see the head.         

The Mangamahu Murder, 1921

George Gordon

George Gordon was a man about in his forties, and had been a bushman in past years. While I was at Cecil's he mainly worked on the road with the permanent roadman, besides doing a few jobs for local farmers. George and I shared a whare that was about five hundred yards from the homestead, and was close to the road. George used the big room with the fireplace at one end, while I slept in a small room at the back. George had his bouts of drinking, usually every six weeks or two months, which normally went on for a week or more with his mates helping him out, then ordering more grog from the Mangamahu Hotel.

This time drinking had been going on for nearly a fortnight, while I was having very little sleep night after night, until one evening I remonstrated with Jack Kinsella, his drinking mate, for his persistent playing of my accordion and keeping me awake. I had to calm down, for he offered to bash my brains out, so I was not too happy about his idea.

The Fatal Day

In the morning when I left to got to work, George was sober enough to be sharpening his axe with a file. I had told Cecil I thought something drastic might happen later, by the way things were shaping. Also I owned a long-bladed pig-sticking knife which Kinsella had taken from my cupboard to threaten George. He drew the back of the blade across George's throat, then George said "You made a bloody bad job of that, Jack." 

On July 22nd, 1921, on returning from work at about five thirty-five pm, I went for the cows, and on my return Cecil asked me to bring my bed clothes down to the house, so as I could get some sleep, because the drinking bout still seemed to be in progress. On going into the whare to get cleaned up and changed for the evening meal at Cecil's, I walked into the dark room through the open door, then felt myself walking in something sticky.

On striking a match I was horrified to see George with his head severed except for a thin piece of neck skin still intact and his head lying sideways from his shoulder. He was a big fattish man and must had bled profusely, for half the floor was covered in blood. While I was there, Kinsella and another man were very intoxicated, sitting on a form nearby, Kinsella telling the other man that he, Kinsella, had done the deed, because George his old bushmate cobber had asked him to do it. "He asked me to cut his head off. He lay on the floor and asked me to cut his head off, and I did it."

I got out post-haste, tore down to my cousin to tell Cecil there had been a murder and that George had lost his head. Cecil then asked me to run around to Jim Campbell to tell him to come quickly, because Cecil feared for his family. Jim was having his dinner when I went in hastily to tell them, but he insisted on finishing his meal in a casual way, while I stood on one foot then another, waiting in suspense.

Working With The Police

We went back in time to intercept Kinsella and the other man on their way to the house, where they said they wanted Cecil to ring the police. While waiting for about three hours for the police to arrive from Wanganui, Kinsella was at times very restless, groping around the wool-press where we thought he might make a break for freedom, using the iron bale clips, so a good double tot of whisky calmed him.

When the police car was arriving, with lights showing in the distance, someone yelled "Here come the police" and Kinsella made a flying leap off the high steps of the doorway, but one of the neighbours caught his foot and tripped him, then we grabbed him before he could escape. He was taken away in the police car, leaving one policeman Constable McMullen,to clean up and bring the body to Wanganui.

The next morning McMullen and I went up to the whare to clean up the mess. First he sewed the head back onto the neck with baling twine so as to hold it rigid. Then after cleaning up everything in the frosty morning, we wrapped the corpse in its own blankets, which did not cover its full length, for a bare foot was left protruding from the blankets. My cousin those days had a yellow Maxwell five-seater car, and the back seat was taken by the corpse, while three of us sat in the front for the six-mile journey to Mangamahu.

When we arrived at the hotel, the constable pulled the corpse out of the car, got it on his shoulder and carried it over to the pub, where he leaned it against the wall near the bar entrance while we went for a few spots. Some children came home for lunch and were scrutinising this unwieldy parcel, when the constable told them they better run home. As the news had travelled through the grape vine, the children got an idea of what it was and went home for their lives.

At last the Royal Mail arrived, a big Hudson service car, the driver going in to dine before leaving for the return journey to Wanganui. The corpse was placed in the very back compartment, ready for the journey, no passengers excepting the constable boarding at Mangamahu. About halfway to Fordell the bus stopped at Kaungaroa to pick up some Maoris from that quite big pa. One Maori carrying a big portmanteau asked the policeman "Where I put my bag?" and the constable, taking it from him, put the bag inside the very back door. On arriving at Fordell, where most of the passengers alighted for drinks at the hotel, the owner of the portmanteau asked, "Where you put my bag?" The constable said "Just inside that back door." The Maori opened the door, gripped the big case by the handle, at the same time seeing the protruding foot. He held onto the case, but got out of range quickly, making a bee-line to get on the train, which was leaving for Wanganui. After this episode the Maoris never rode again in that particular bus.

Chief Witness

Large crowds turned up to hear the inquest later on, and I, being only twenty years of age, never been in a Court House before, felt very nervous and embarrassed. As I was the chief witness, I was kept in the witness box for what seemed hours with questions thrown at me right and left. I was asked why I had a premonition that something drastic might happen and how did Kinsella come to threaten the deceased with your knife. I found these questions hard to answer, but stuck to what I truthfully knew. George was a man that had no relations in New Zealand and was a real hermit.

I had no doubt in my mind that George Gordon asked Kinsella to do him in, because I had several experiences of George asking me to shoot him when I was cleaning my rifle after coming from pig hunting, and this only happened when he was drunk. Kinsella was a man whose physical actions, when drunk, were as good as a sober man, and he would be able to wield an axe with accuracy. The other man who drank found it an effort to stand, let alone walk, and he would be a poor axeman when drunk.

Kinsella was granted 14 years in prison, but I was told he got off with eight years for good conduct. At the time of this execution, Sandy McDonald was the brand of whisky George Gordon had been drinking. It was taken off the market after the murder trial and not sold again in New Zealand for 66 years. I believe it only just came back on the new Zealand market again recently, in 1988.

 Mervyn Addenbrooke

Merv Addenbrooke was born at Mangamahu in 1901. He worked as a bushman/fencer /shearer on local farms there until 1930. In 1930 Merv married and bought a run-down dairy farm at Putaruru. He died in 1993.

He was 88 years old when he showed me a biscuit-tin full of his stories written on scrap paper.

"Could you help me put all this into a book? A hard-bound book with gold lettering? I want to give copies of it to guests at my 90th birthday party."

Merv's 1991 autobiography has detailed stories about his childhood and farm-working days in Mangamahu between 1901 to 1930.You can now find the book in most New Zealand libraries. Or you can read those Mangamahu stories here.


Other Mangamahu songs

I wrote these ballads in Palmerston North between 1979 and 1990. I had just left teaching in Catholic schools as a Marist Brother, and after 20 years of isolation in that big-city monastic teaching lifestyle, I was learning how to live normally again. These songs chased away demons, and helped reunite me to my rural Mangamahu community.

1910 - Here's to the girl who delivers our mail
1948 - We're off to Mangamahu!
Super Man
    1951 - Topdressing planes at Mangamahu
Pillows of the Dead
1953 - They brought 40 bodies to our shed
     1958 - Mr Bolton, wrongly hanged
The Eel
 1967 - With razor teeth they wait beneath
Wet Dag Crutching Blues
1979 - But I loved working as a rousie.
Ite Missa Est
1981 - Farewell to that lonely life
My Tractor
1983 - My br-in-law was obsessed with cropping
1984 - Computerised railway chaos
Aunty May
1985 - She forgot to forget her 1936 baby.
The Lady Loader-Driver
1990 - A topdressing strip romance

My thanks to for transcribing the lyrics.          
And thanks to for creating the song's illustrations.

This webpage was put online in March 2025

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