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Soldiers from Northland composed this at the beginning of World War One.

Pōkarekare ana
ngā wai o Waiapu,
Whiti atu koe hine
marino ana e.
They are agitated
the waters of Waiapu,
If you cross over girl
they will be calm.
E hine e
hoki mai ra.
Ka mate ahau
I te aroha e.
Oh girl
return to me,
I could die
of love for you.
Tuhituhi taku reta
tuku atu taku rīngi,
Kia kite tō iwi
raru raru ana e.
I've written my letter
I've sent my ring,
so that your people can see I'm troubled.
Whatiwhati taku pene
ka pau aku pepa,
Ko taku aroha
mau tonu ana e.
My pen is shattered,
I have no more paper
But my love
is still steadfast.
E kore te aroha
e maroke i te rā,
Mākūkū tonu i
aku roimata e.
Never will my love
be dried by the sun,
It will be moistened
by my tears.

Play this
140KB mp3 sound clip

by Dame Kiri Te Kanawa.

3. Chord and strum guide

D Po-ka-re-ka-re a-na dum-de-dum
Nga wai o Ro-to-G-ru-a, duma-de-dee
Whi-ti a-tu ko-e A hi-ne Dum-de-dum
Ma-ri-no a-na D e.
strum a G, then a D dum-de dee

E hi-ne e G     E hi-ne e
Ho-ki mai ra D  Ho-ki mai ra
Ka ma-te a-A-ha-u Dum dum 
I te a-ro-ha D e  te a-G-ro-ha D e.


4. Music score

In 1920 the song was sung in 3/4 time. By the 1930s, a lilt had been added to the tune. Then in the 1950s, as the guitar replaced the piano for accompaniment, it slowed to this 4/4 timing.

Musical  notation and chords for Pokarekare Ana.


5. Footnotes

- Ngā wai o Wai-apu is Tomoana's 1917 East Coast variant. The original 1914 Northland version was probably Ngā wai o Hoki-anga.

- Ngā wai o Rotorua is a popular tourist variation. It flows better, and the 'r' and 'o' sounds are pleasant.

- Often these days, only the first verse and chorus are sung, perhaps several times over, with added harmonising in each repetition. But the second verse, with all its alliteration, is also great to sing.

- Aroha e
is pronounced "ah RAW ha AIR."
It is not "a ROW ha EH."


  1. Emanating in the North
  2. Modified by Tomoana
  3. Apirana Ngāta's daughter
  4. Different song-writing styles
  5. Conclusion; a group composition

Many Maori variants

  1. Old Dalmatian folk tune?
  2. 1919 in theatres
  3. 1926 piano sheet music
  4. Original waltz music
  5. Hemi Piripata
  6. Sung at funerals
  7. In Rotorua

Other versions

  1. English verses
  2. Rolf Harris
  3. Sailing Away
  4. In Korea
  5. East Timor
  6. Norwegian
  7. Gaelic tune?
  8. Earnslaw theme
  9. Thanks

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