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Maori Songs
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The top 20

  1. Pokarekare Ana -
        love song
  2. Ka Mate
        All Black haka
  3. Haere Mai
        powhiri, greetings
  4. E Papa Waiari
        stick game
  5. Pre-schoolers' songs
  6. Poi E
  7. Tutira Mai
        Stand in line together!
  8. Hine E Hine
  9. E Ihowa Atua
        Our national anthem
  10. E Ipo
        love song
  11. Hoki Mai
        WW2 party song
  12. Ten Guitars
       urban anthem
  13. Po Atarau
        Now is the Hour
  14. Paikea
        whale rider
  15. Whakaaria Mai -
  16. Akoako o te Rangi
        love song
  17. Maori Battalion
        WW2 march
  18. E Te Iwi E
        song of welcome
  19. He Kākano āhau
        from Rangiatea
  20. Tika Tonu
        Show integrity!

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More Maori-language songs

Ara! Ka Titiro
    courting song
Au, E Ihu
    WW2 soldiers' hymn
Arohaina Mai
    WW2 farewell
Awhi Reinga
    Air NZ TV advert
Ehara I Te Mea
E Ko Te Tui
    heralding a new dawn
E Minaka Ana
    Te Reo pride
E Pa To Hau
    stolen Waikato land
E Pari Ra
E Rere Taku Poi
E Te Ariki
    hymn to the Lord
E Te Hokowhitu A Tū
E Te Tamaiti
    old hymn
E To Matou Matua
    Lord's Prayer
E Toru Nga Mea
    communal hymn
E Tu, Stand Proud
    rap protest
He Powhiri
    chant of welcome
He Kākano āhau
    I'm a seed from Rangiatea
He Pūru Taitama
    I'm a young bull
He Putiputi Koe/Pai
    you are my flower
He Wawata
    lament for a lost daughter
He Tangi te Kiwi
    waka portaging chant
Hei Konei Ra
    freezing workers farewell
Hitara Waha Huka
    mocking Hitler
Hoea Rā Te Waka Nei
  1917 support for soldiers
Hoea Hoea Rā
    1940s canoe poi
Hoea Rā Ngā Waka
    1970s land march Hoki
    WW1 waiata a tāngi
Hoki Mai
    waiata a ringa
    tītī tōrea
I Runga Nga Puke
Kaore te Aroha
    old love song
Ka Rū, Ka Rū
    fishing song
Ka Waiata ki a Maria
    praising Mary and motherhood
Kapa o Pango
    new All Black haka
Kia Kaha Nga Iwi
    young Maori
Ko Niu Tireni
    1924 All Black haka
    women's welcome chant
Karanga Aku Mahi
   welcome to our performance
Karangatia Rā
    waiata a ringa
Kia ora ra koutou
   by Apirana Ngata
Ko Mātou
   touching Maori treasures
    disco beat
Kotiro Maori
Koutou Katoa Ra
    funeral hymn
Ko Nga Waka
    army haka
Kohu Auahi
    Blue Smoke
Māku e Mihi
    our best wishes
Mārie Te Pō
    "Silent Night"
    steamship journeys
Matua Whangai
    foster parents
Ma Wai Ra
    Who will be responsible?
Me He Manu Rere
    waiata a ringa
Manini Waka
    army haka
Mihi Mai Ra
    live together in love
Moe Mai Ra
    Brahms lullaby
Moe Moe Mai Ra
    Suo Gan lullaby
Nau mai, Piki mai
    call for unity
Nga Iwi E
    hold on to your inheritance
Nga Puawai o Ngapui
    Blossoming young lives
Nga Tamariki o te Kohu
    the children of the mist
Nga Whare Pa
    Open your doors
Ngoi Ngoi
    praise for Poi-E's composer

Pa Mai Te Reo Aroha
    WW2 recruiting song

Pakete Whero
    racy Rotorua love affair
Po Atarau
    Now is the Hour
Po! Po!
    kumara origins
    1984 hit song
Pokarekare Ana
    love song
    Api, we want our beer!
    farewell blessing
Purea Nei
    reassuring a blind student
    anti-logging protest
    mother's lament for her baby
    the woman in the moon
Tahi Nei Taru Kino
    love song
Tai Aroha
    love is like a gushing spring
Tama Ngakau Marie
   at funerals
    on Kiri CD
Te Hokinga Mai
    return of taonga
Te Kaianga Kupu
    Home Sweet Home
Te Kiri Ngutu
    Ngati Porou haka
Te Kirimi
    the cream song
Te Matuku i Hea?
  Where's the guard-bird
Te Marama i te Po
    love song
Te Ngahuru's Lament
    wrecked waka
Te Ope Tuatahi
    WWI anthem
Tenei Matou
    concert intro
Te Piriti
    a bridge between cultures
    Te Rina
Te Wai O Whanganui
    proclaiming river rights
Tihore Mai
   Rain, rain, go away
    rugby haka
    WW1 march
Tīrama Mai
Tō Aroha
Toia Mai
    haka pōwhiri
Toia Mai Te Waka Nei
   support the Treaty of Waitangi
Tukua Ahau
    Sir Howard
Uhi Tai
   army haka
Utaina Mai
    concert entry item
Waiata Poi
    Maori maiden proud
Wairua o te Puna
    the spirit is bubbling up
Whakaaria Mai
Whakataka te Hou
    karakia for storms
Whakatoria Mai
    haka in prison
    2003 award winner
Whati Whati To Hope
    waiat a ringa

Thanks to
ACTRIX for sponsoring us

Maori songs written in English

Battle of the Waikato

Blue Smoke

Born of Greatness
    He Kakano Ahau
E Tu, Stand Proud

French Letter
    Mururoa nuclear tests
Ha-ere Mai ..
...everything is Ka Pai
Maori Battalion
...march to victory!
Matua Ned

My Old Man's an All Black

Now is the Hour

Oh Mum
...I love you, yes I do
Pania of the Reef

Pukeko in a Punga Tree

Rolling Wheels
...across the desert
Rua Kenana
    Tuhoe prophet
Sheryl Moana Marie

Songs of Home

Te Kooti

Ten Guitars

Totara Tree

Waiata Poi
   Maori maiden proud
We'll have a Maori Hangi

... where the Aitch sounds fine

Te Pataka Waiata

This is where I've gathered lyrics etc. for making proper webpages when more information comes to hand.
Look for whatever is useful

Songs for pre-schoolers

The words of these songs are
mostly on one page:
Anei rā ngā mahi e
Haere mai te manuhiri
Haere rā e hine
He pipi māu e hine
He rā whānau
    Happy Birthday...
He tangata pai
    For He's a Jolly...
He Tira Tira
I ngā wā o mua rā
Kapokapo whetū iti
Kei hea te tuna?
Kua riro C. A. T.
Mā is white
Mahunga, pakihiwi...
Heads, shoulders...
Me kā harikoa koe
Motokā iti rawa e
Ngā Rā o Te Wiki
Oma rāpeti,
One day a taniwha
Pāpā hipi mangu
Tohora Nui
Whakawhiti rori