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Mōteatea with explanatory
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1300s - Te Matuku i Hea? - Where's the bittern?
1400s - He Tangi te Kiwi - waka portaging chant.
1500s - Ruia, Ruia - we must be like godwits returning from Alaska.
1600s - 1st Kīkiki Kākaka  - chant for a tatau pounamu marriage
1600s - Po! Po! - kumara origins.
1600s - Taku Toki - Arahura greenstone axe chant
1600s - Turou Whakataha - psychotherapy chant.
1600s?- He Potiki mo Wharaurangi - Whanganui oriori with rivers named.
1720  - 1st Pinepine te Kura - curing iodine deficiency disease on Takapau Plains.
1810  - 2nd Kīkiki Kākaka - Te Rauparaha hides in a kumara pit.
1820  - 3rd Kīkiki Kokoko - Te Rauparaha's last attempt to defend Kawhia.
1820s?- 1st Takoto Rawa Iho - Seeking revenge for a war party that got wiped out.
1820s - Te Tai o Kawhia/Honipaka/Ngamotu - a last farewell to his seaside village.
1820s - 3rd Kaore te Aroha Mohukihuki - desire for another woman's husband.
1820s - Kaore te Aroha e Huri - intense longing for her iwi, far to the north of Rotorua. 
1840s - Te Ngahuru's Lament - for his wrecked waka taua.
1850s - Taku Rakau E - a Tuhoe widow's lament.
1862  - Pounamu Rama Nei - the joys of drinking rum.
1864  - E Pa To Hau - a lament for stolen land.
1870  - Engari Te Tītī - old lady left behind beside Waikaremoana.
1871  -  1st Kaore Hoki te Mānukanuka - Te Kooti's call to unite and rebuild.
1881  - 2nd Kaore Hoki te Mānukanuka - a longer version - Stop Pakeha land theft!
1884  - 2nd Takoto Rawa Iho - Te Kooti calls for peace, not revenge.
1890  - 2nd Pinepine te Kura - Te Kooti denounces those who betrayed him.
1896  - 4th Kaore te Aroha Mohukihuki - protest to Prime Minister in Wellington.

Analysis of how moteatea are constructed.
        Search Roa's Formulaic Discourse Patterning in Mōteatea (2008).

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